Like We Used to Be

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Celinda: (writing in her journal) I love when the wind hits my face, I feel like it takes all this pain away. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you mom and dad. I wish it could have been me instead of you guys. I know it's only been three months since I lost you but it feels so much longer. Sometimes I can't even bare to get out of this bed. They say the good die young and I know you were to good for this world. I just wish you were still here because I still needed you guys. I feel like I have no one now, this life sucks without you. I need you guys back!! (hears a knock on her bedroom door) (stops writing and puts the notebook away under her pillow)

Maria: Honey can I come in?

(no answer)

Maria: You have to go to school soon or at least go to your therapy sessions. You have to get out of this room please your starting to scare me.

Celinda: (gets up and opens the door) happy!

Maria: no not until I see the old Celinda that I know.

Celinda: well she's never coming back.

Maria: want to try school today?

Celinda: I'm never going there, Ill just go to therapy.

Maria: that's a start, ill take you before work.

Celinda: no (lying) ill take the bus.

Maria: oh please, I know you. Your lying your just going to go somewhere else.

Celinda: ugh, fine ill go okay.

(Later at therapy)

Therapist: how are you feeling today Celinda?

Celinda: how do you think? What if you lost both of your parents how would you feel?

T: Do you think your parents would have wanted you to be so miserable?

C: (looks down at her hands) no...but I can't help it.

T: your angry, upset, I get it. But if you would just express everything you feel. You just might feel better.

C: it's not that easy, I don't like expressing my feelings.

T: you like to keep everything inside, I can see that. But guess what one day all your feelings are going to burst and your going to explode.


C: times up (runs out of the room)(goes back to her house)(locks herself in her room and starts bawling her eyes out)

(With Maria)

M: (calls Josh)

J: hey Maria, is everything okay?

M: well I've been calling Celinda but no answer, I'm still at work and I won't be getting out until late.

J: okay I'm going to go check on her.

M: thank you Josh! Bye

J: (hangs up) (turns to his friends) I need to go check up on Celinda guys

Frank(one of his friends): your not her dad to be checking up on her all the time.

J: she's my best friend and she needs me right now. (Getting angry)

Austin(another friend): dude Frank's right, you can't keep doing this. When she wants to talk she'll come to you. Have you even told Kate that you always go running to Celinda.

J: I have to go okay (walks to Celinda's house)(rings the doorbell) (yells) Celinda open the door!

C: (hears and wipes her tears away) (goes and opens the door) I don't need you to come everyday after school. I'm fine.

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