Chapter One: Let's Do This One More Time

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A/N: If y'all understood the chapter title reference, congratulations! You get one of my favourite cookies. Wash that down with some milk or almond milk, oat milk, soy milk for my lactose intolerant fam.

 Wash that down with some milk or almond milk, oat milk, soy milk for my lactose intolerant fam

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"I'm soooo excited!!!" Jacob said all giddily. Jacob and Shinji were lined up outside of the Eaton Centre. Shinji was actually quite impressed. For an Artist to perform in Eaton Centre is like the Toronto equivalent of New York's Madison Square Garden. Whoever this IU person is, she must be big.

"Yeah, yeah I know. You said that six times now... Can you calm down?" Shinji asked. Jacob wasn't the the only person excited. Literally everyone person in front and behind them were acting this way. "Kpop fans sure are passionate huh?"

"Duh! IU is like, one of the greatest soloist in Kpop history! She's in my top five!" Jacob replied rather proudly.

"I'll take your word for it" Shinji chuckled.

When it hit 7:00 sharp, the line began to move. It looks like they're finally letting people inside. Shinji knew people were edging to get in, given how he was practically being pushed forward. Now, Shinji at this point would be pissed and tell the guy to stop pushing, however, given how excited Jacob was, he decided to abstain from it. Shinji didn't want to cause trouble, and ruin his night. One of the reasons being Jacob seems to really like this IU person. Second, he would never hear the end of his complaining.

"Wow. The amount of people here is astounding" Shinji said with an awed expression. He was also impressed on how close they were to the front of the stage. "I guess we lucked out on being in the front huh?"

"Nah, I just bought VIP tickets" Jacob said with wide grin.

"Oh oka--Wait WHAT?" Shinji screamed doing a doubletake at his friend. Jacob didn't look at him and was merely appreciating the lighting of the stadium. "VIP tickets?!"

"Y-Yeah..." Jacob stuttered, still not making eye contact with Shinji. However, Shinji was have none of it. He grabbed Jacobs cheeks with one hand and squished them, turning his head to face him. 

"How much did they cost?" Shinji asked with a deadly glare. Jacob could only swallow his spit as he did his best to form any sort of cohesive sentence.

"S-S-S-Six" Jacob stuttered. Shinji felt lightheaded.

"Six hundred dollars?! It was three hundred dollars each?! My god Jacob..." Shinji facepalmed but Jacob only looked more nervous. Shinji took a glance at his buddy, and saw him sweating. "Jacob?"

"E-Each..." He finished. Shinji felt his mind starting to blow up. 

"S-Six... E-Each?" Shinji repeated in disbelief. "Six hundred? Thats like two thirds of my rent... The amount of instant noodles i could've bought with that money..."

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