Bruises(Fluff/light angst!Spencer Reid x Reader)

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⚠️TW⚠️ physical/mental abuse, alcoholism, aggression, ect.

Y/N let her alcoholic brother live with her while he tries to clean himself up, and one night she finds him extremely drunk after a case. When he starts to get physical with her, she immediately leaves to go to the one person's house that she knows will be more than willing to help her.

Word count- 1340


Walking into my home after a long case, I see empty bottles of bourbon and scotch laying across the floor. I immediately know what had happened over the few days I was gone, and a huge pit of rage and worry grew in my stomach.

"Christopher!!" I yell for my brother, who I had been kind enough to let live with me while he got sober, after our parents kicked him out.

I don't get a response so I walk farther into my apartment and see him drowning in another bottle of alcohol on the couch. He was completely zoned out as he sipped on the strong liquid, and stared straight at the wall.

"My god Christopher." I huff while walking over and yanking the bottle from his hands, immediately pulling him out of his trance.

"WHAT THE FUCK! GIVE THAT BACK!" He shouted. I didn't pay him any attention as I walking back to the kitchen, pouring the rest down the sink.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He exclaimed once again, this time walking over to me at a fast pace.

I suddenly felt him grab my arm, and pull me away from the sink. He pushed me into a glass cabinet, making it shatter into pieces. He threw me on the ground, causing me to wince in pain as I felt a sharp glass fragments cut my cheek.

He attempted to hit me again, but before he could I kicked him in his knee, and ran for the door. I grabbed my purse that still sat on the ground before bolting out of my apartment, and running back to my car.

I slammed the door shut, making sure to lock all of them, and started crying from the antagonizing pain that came over me. I put my key into ignition and instinctively started driving to my best friend, and co-workers house. He may or may not also be the man I'm secretly in love with, but that's besides the point right now.

I pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex and rushed inside. I got to his floor and speed-walked down the hall to his door. I felt guilty for abruptly coming to his house this late, when he was probably exhausted from our case.

I hesitantly knocked on his door and impatiently waited for him to answer. After a few moments I heard his door unlock, and a very concerned looking Spencer stared down at me.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" He asked.

"N-No I umm- I need a place to stay." I stuttered, tears still streaming down my face.

"Okay yeah, come in."

He moved to the side, his hand lightly running across my back as I stepped forward. I set my purse on the floor and pull him into a tight hug, which he quickly accepted. I whispered a quiet 'thank you' while I stained his shirt with my tears.

He stepped out of my grip and pulled me to his bathroom. He turned the light on, and gestured for me to sit on the counter. He pulled a first aid kit and some cotton swabs out of the cabinet, setting them down next to me.

"Okay first of all, what the hell happened." He said, coming out as more of a statement than a question.

"Okay, so you know how I let Chris move in with me?" He nodded.

"Well I got home and my house was a mess. It was filled with at least 15 empty bottles of alcohol, and he was sitting on my couch drinking even more alcohol so I went and grabbed the bottle out of his hands. I-I went to pour it down the sink but he got so angry and he threw me into that glass cabinet that I keep all those antique bowls and stuff. When I fell the glass slashed open my check and I'm pretty sure I have a cut on my chest too. I-I ran away before he could hit me again and just came here. I'm so sorry I didn't call, I just- I didn't know what to do I'm so sorry-" I explained before he finally cut me off at the end.

"Hey, hey, don't apologize. This isn't your fault alright? Let's get you cleaned up." I nodded, and I could see his eyes were watering from hearing what had happened. I was so lucky to have a friend like him. One that would do anything for me even if it was the middle of the night.

I hissed at the burning sensation I felt as he cleaned up the cut on my cheek. "I'm sorry." He said sympathetically.

"Thank you." I said, as he finished putting a bandage on my cheek.

"You don't have to thank me Y/N. You know I would do anything for you." He smiled.

I tried to get off of the counter but he was quick to stop me by holding my wrist. "What?" I looked at him confused.

"I'm not done. You still have a cut on you're chest."

"Spence, you don't have to-"

"Please just let me help you." He cut me off.

"Fine." I let out a sigh.

I slowly started to unbutton my shirt, revealing the white lace that barely covered my breasts. I peeled off my blouse, and dropped it onto the floor. I moved my hair out of the way as Spencer approached me, so he could see the small gashes on my breast.

'Thank god I decided to wear a cute bra today.' I thought to myself.

I saw him gulp at the sight of my exposed chest before he continued cleaning my cuts. Although he was concentrating on my breast, I couldn't help but stare at him. I could tell he was turned on, I didn't even need to be a profiler to know that. I bit my lip at his obvious sexual frustration before he removed the Q-tip from my bare chest, and placed a second bandage onto my skin.

"You're umm- You're all good." He struggled to get out.

I watched him as he put away all of the supplies, and I discreetly maneuvered my way over to him. I placed my hand over his, making him jolt at my sudden action. We made eye contact for a few moments before I grabbed his cheek and pulled him down for a kiss.

He seemed reluctant at first, but soon melted into my lips, as I did with his. After a few moments of devouring each other's faces, we pulled apart to catch our breathe. His forehead leaned against mine, and he whispered something in my ear.

"I've wanted to do that for so long." He chuckled.

"Why didn't you do it sooner than Doctor?" I teased him.

"I didn't know you felt the same way. But now that I do I think we should do that a lot more often." He joked.

C'mon let's get you changed." He said leading me to his bedroom.

He pulled out an oversized t-shirt, which I quickly threw on, discarding the pencil skirt I had on. He laid me down on his bed, and pulled the covers over me. He did the same thing for himself, and pulled me into his arms, snuggling me close.

"Can you go to my apartment with me when we wake up? Just in case?" I ask quietly.

"Of course. Now get some rest."

"Thanks again Spence."

"Anything for you." He replied, softly pressing his lips against mine one last time before I fell asleep on his chest.

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