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Penelope POV

I woke the next morning feeling really happy thanks to Dylan for texting me all night.

"Katt, are you up?" My mom says calling me by my nickname

"Yes ma'am I'm up"

"Great, well hurry and get ready, I made you breakfast."

"OK mama"

I got to my bathroom and do my usual hygen things, then I get in the shower. Once I got the shower I heard my phone ringing so ran to pick it up.

" hello ?"

"Hey, Penelope, this is Nate maloley "

I scream so loud and drop my phone. As I do a little happy dance. Then I remember he's on the phone and I pick it up.

"You mean like, your the Nate ."

He laughs "yesss"

"Omg this is amazing, can you do me a favor?"


"Say punk skate for me."

"OK" and I can hear him smile as he says "punk skate" in that oh so sexy deep voice


"No problem baby." He says

" ahha" I laugh

"Oh yeah I called to ask you if you were willing to open up my show when I go on tour in Cali next week?"

"Yesss, I would love to"

"Alright,I'll have my manager to send your manger the information and I'll pay you when I see you in Cali, baby"

" OK, bye" I say grining like a chesthire cat.

"Bye baby" he says and just like we ended our convo.

I went into my room closet and put on a pair of gray skinny jeans and my black little top which was basically a bra since it showed my stomach. Even tho I'm not skinny with a flat stomach. It still fitted me because I wasn't a sloopy fat girl. Then I put on my white see through cardigan. Then I went back into my bathroom and took out my Bantu-nots and ran my fingers through my hair trying to cover up my parts then I applied a thin layer of pink lipstick and a pair of ballet shoes and went down stairs.

" hey, baby your plates in the microwave'

I ate my food and grabbed my house keys and began to walk to school today. As I was walking into the school, guess what I did. Yepp you guessed it right! I tripped over nothing but I quickly caught my balance and kept walking up the steps.

Like yesterday I  walked straight past the cafeteria and headed straight to my first period class. 

I saw terry sitting in her desk texting someone. I walked over to her and covered her eyes with my hands

"Guess who?" I asked

"Is it a bad bitch, that I know" she smirked

" it's the baddest bitch you know"

" well it can't possibly be me " she said laughing hard

"Guess a again"

"Is it the trash can" she laughed harder

" ha ha ha " I said punching her in the arm. " you're so funny". Then the bell ringed and class soon started. I looked around and saw no sign of those two white chicks I fought on yesterday . which made my day start off right. That is until lunch came.

I have third lunch wave and since, it's the last lunch wave it's the best. I was sitting at a table in the back alone. Since terry had second lunch wave. I pulled out my phone and put my head phones on and started listen to music and strolling down my Instagram. I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I  turned around to see two black girls standing behind me.

"You're sitting at the wrong table" the ugliest one said to me.

" you need to move now!" The other one yelled getting everyone's attention on the cafeteria.
Ughhh ignorant ass people I thought to myself as I turned around and put my headphones back in my ear nonchalantly as if they'll leave. But they didn't. One of them taped me on my shoulder again I turned around and saw them again. But this time I noticed everyone was staring at us.

" uhm you must not know who I am. New girl" she yelled and then I heard someone whispered loud enough for me to hear.

" shes the one black girl you don't wanna mess with."

I laughed and said " look girl I dong care who you are, but I advise you to leave me alone. And go sit at the other end of the table because I ain't getting up." I said and turned back around and put my headphones back in my ear. Then five seconds later I feel something cold and wet pouring on me. I looked down at my shirt and seen it was milk. I looked back up at her and seen the milk carton in her hand. This girl just asked for her ass whopping. I thought. Then it happened all too fast. I pulled her by her weave and made her smash her head to the table then I got up and slung her ass on the table and started beating her ass. Somehow she managed to get from under me nf top of me and started punching me in my face. But that didn't make me stop. I grabbed her by her hair again and flipped her under me. And started beating her face in. I was still pulling her hair in one hand to hold her head still. When someone grabbed me and lifted me over there shoulder. I looked down " ha bitch, I bet you'll know to never fuck with me again" I said to her. I noticed all the weave on the ground and started laughing.

" you two females. In my office now" said the principal
(Pic of Nate ~aka punk skate~ is at the top)

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