i was wrong

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Penelope POV

"Dylan is that you?"
"Yes, its me"
He walked out the dark revealing.  His beautiful face and his oh so sexy suit. Which match mine he was wearing a black suit with red accessories. Including his tie, shirt napkin thingy. And shoes.
He walked up to me and I slowly backed up until my back hit the balcony rail. He came and put both hands on either side of me on the balcony.
"I saw the little dance you and your boyfriend did"
"Okay, listen he is not my boyfriend. So stop saying that"
He chuckled "if u say so"
He came closer til I could his lips just a inch away from mines.
"Why did you come here with him"
" because you didn't ask me. U knew I had feelings for you"
" so u had feelings for me?"
"Yes I did"
" so since you're using past tense verbs that means you don't like me anymore?"
"No I don't" I pushed him back off me a little bit.
"Why are you lying to yourself. I know you still want me"
I looked down at my feet and bit my lip.
"Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't fucking want me" he said sliding his hand in the split of my dress and Into my thongs.
"Ohh goddddddd, dylan I don't want you"
"I said look me in my fucking eyes and say it" he rubbed my clit faster.
I tossed my head back pulled him to me for a kiss. But he snatched his head away from me and took his hand out of my panties and walked away.
But before he walked back into the ballroom he looked over his shoulder and said " next time you lie make sure it's a good lie. But they're won't be a next time. Now go to the bathroom and fix yourself.

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