My name is Allyson. I am 15 and I choose to write about the woman that inspires me everyday. I know this may not really inspire anyone else, or catch much attention but I will try my best. My goal is to honor this woman with all my heart in hopes that she knows how much I love her.
If you can, please read my story, and tell me what you think.
My mom was born in 1970, in the deepest and darkest corners of Bogota, Colombia. Back then she was born into an already progressed family. Her family consisted at her birth of six older siblings. My mother was initially raised primarily by her mother and father but at the age of 5 her parents got divorced. My mom studied hard everyday, after and before school. She would not stop until after meal time, in hopes of making her mother proud. Her mother was her teacher so my mom had quite a lot to go up against.
At 11 years old my grandma grew worried of my mom. My mom was working herself to near starvation everyday, She was not eating and sleeping only a few hours every night due to intensive studying. Because of this my mom became the top student of her school and was often referenced as "the text book" because she was incredibly smart. At this time, my mom was not eating, she was not sleeping well, and she was obsessively working her heart out everyday on studying.
Due to this my grandmother requested my mom tale a break from school. My grandmother was encouraged to let my mom take a break for couple of months.
In these months my mom attended art school were she learned basic art techniques.
My mother eventually entered High school and passed with flying colors. She eventually decided to take part in a prestigious art academy in Colombia.
There, my mom told me, the professors worked everyone to the bone and destroyed there art works if they weren't up to there standards.
My mom would work day in and day out to impress her teachers only to have her works destroyed, ripped in half, when she did not impress them.
(I personally am very impressed with my moms early work. Not just because I'm her daughter but because they are actually good.)
My mom graduated college with a degree in graphic design.
At 25 year old my mom move to the United States. She moved initially to Utah and then to Texas. In Texas my mom worked hard, double shifts at restaurants to earn herself enough for food and a roof.
My mom eventual married a very high standard lawyer but got divorced a couple of years later.
After a couple of years my mom married my father, and with him they gave birth to three children. Me my little sister and little bother.
Let me tell you that at this point forth in my moms life I look up to her greatly. She raised all three of us giving us the best of the best. The best school, food and shelter she could find. All while studying in college again.
After 15 years my mom has graduated college and gotten divorced with my father. She now lives alone with me and my siblings. Everyday she wakes up at 6 am. to teach my siblings. Since the divorce she has begun to homeschool my both siblings who both have severe ADHD and ADD.
My mother, to me, inspires me everyday to wake up and do my best. She inspires me to make the most out of what i have and to cherish what I receive.
I hope my moms story inspired you, even just a little bit.
Thank you.
The One and Only To Me
Historia CortaToday I wrote about the person that inspires me to do my best everyday.