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"Even if they're taking advantage of me..I'd still help them out"

Your siblings gave each other a look and looked back at you. "If you trust them so much..then, we trust them too" your sister said with a small smile on her face

"R-really?" You said, shocked. All of your older siblings never agree with you, mostly cause your the youngest child and they don't like you because your parents spoiled you, but this was the first time they agreed or trusted something that you trust

"Yeah really- but if they hurt you I'll kill them, don't test me" your brother said with a straight face



It was Wednesday now. The quirk-ies have been at your school for 2 and a half weeks, and you've been doing the same thing everyday during lunch

You give the quirk-ies all your rice balls and wish you had at least 1 rice ball left for you to eat. You've given your lunch to almost every one of the quirk-ies that's in your grade ever since they came here that they now trust you

They know your name and your class, and your the only one they say hi to in the hallways or help you with a math problem. Since your the only one that doesn't bully them or try to hurt them, they don't see you as a threat, but today it's different

The school was forced to give the quirk-ies good food instead of moldy, half cooked food since they noticed what you were doing and how you basically starved yourself giving them your food

Mr Aizawa held you back during lunch to explain your assignment, so you were running late to lunch

'Please let there be more food! Please let there be more food! Or at least rice balls! I need to give them to-'  before you could finish your thoughts, you bumped into someone

"Ow...oh! I-I'm so sorry I-"  you were cut off by a growl. You looked at the persons face, they had scars under their eyes and their eyes were closed while his hand rubbed his head

You then noticed that you were on top of this person, you must've bumped into them pretty hard if it made both of you fall with him bumping his head during the fall

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to my- are you ok?! Are you hurt?!"

They opened their eyes to look at you

"Yeah, I'm fine.." he said in a raspy voice. You didn't recognize who the boy was in till you looked at his eyes

Dabi. How could you not recognize him? You two sat by each other in class, he saved you when you snuck in the bad side of town, and those eyes

Those goddamn eyes

From the first day he came here with the others, you were always drawn to his beautiful sapphire eyes. You could stare at them all day if you could, and you would stare at them all day if you had the chance

And yet here you are, on top of him, staring into his beautiful eyes. Wait

Your staring at him

Oh god I'm so sorry this took so long!

Make sure to go check out Lilly_994  story and give it some love 🖤✨

Bad Side Of Town (Dabi x reader) GENDER NEUTRALWhere stories live. Discover now