After two weeks of working, Lizzy finally got her first paycheck. She was so proud of herself, she could burst. To top it off, tomorrow was her day off.
"How about a road trip to London?" Robin asked her.
"Really!" Lizzy screeched with glee.
"Sure, we could both do with a little shopping therapy. And you could spend some of your money on the clothes you think are fashionable." Robin said with a wink.
"You two keep an eye on the weather." George said. "i don't want you driving in the snow."
The next day it was perfect English weather, which means it was cold and rainy, but the snow wasn't expected until much later. Robin and Lizzy would be home way before that.
It had been a long time since Robin and Lizzy had had so much fun together. They shopped, had lunch, and shopped some more. They talked and laughed, no subject was off limits. Lizzy told Robin about her crush on Teddy Lupin. Robin didn't judge or criticize, no matter how sure she was Lizzy was headed for a broken heart. Teddy only had eyes for Victorie. Robin knew, there are some pains you can't protect your children from.
Lizzy laughed when Robin told her about the day she'd discovered George was a wizard. He'd been doing some work for the Order of the Phoenix, with Fred and his good friend, Lee Jordan. They were doing some reconnaissance work, and it was pretty boring. George was sitting there, flipping his wand through his fingers, thinking of Robin, when the next thing he knew, he was apparating.
Robin was sitting in her bedroom, doing her nails, thinking of George, when out of nowhere he appeared, bounced off the end of her bed and landed, face-first on her bedroom floor. It came as quite a shock to her and George definitely had some explaining to do. But, Robin wasn't going to let a little wizardry come between them. She'd already fallen for this tall, sexy, ginger-haired man.
They had stayed in London longer then they had intended. The snow had started falling before they haded home.
When Robin and Lizzy were just outside of Ottery St Mary, the town this side of Ottery St Catchpole, Lizzy asked her mother if they could make one more stop.
"Please mum. We passed that cute little shoppe this morning, can we stop there. Please, please, please. It's not snowing that hard yet."
I was sitting in Herbology, when the Headmistress came into the classroom.
"Professor Longbottom, may I see Abigail Weasley? Roxanne, you'll need to take your cousins books back to your dorm room. She won't be returning."
When I got to the Headmistresses office, Sam and Alex were already there, but what was more surprising, Uncle Fred was there too. I can't really remember much of what he told us. It's all a blur now. Something about Mum and Lizzy being in a car accident. Lizzy was okay, but a lorry had lost control on a patch of ice and slammed into mum's side of the car. She was hurt bad, real bad.
Dad was already at the hospital. Lizzy had some scratches and bruises, but other than that, she was fine. The doctor's patched her up and then sent her out to the waiting room with us. Mum was in surgery at the muggle hospital.
We waited for hours while they operated on mum. One by one or two by two the rest of the Weasley family showed up to join us waiting. Each offered to take me and Alex home, but we weren't going anywhere.
I've never seen my dad cry before. Just looking at him made me cry. Uncle Fred paced, looked at the clock and paced some more. But dad, he just sit there, not saying a word, tears silently flowing down his checks. I didn't know how much more he could take, when the doctor walked in.
"Mr. Weasley, it looks like your wife is going to be fine." Everyone, except dad, released a sigh of relief. Dad knew there was more news to come. "Mr. Weasley, I don't quite know how to ask this, did you know your wife was pregnant?"
"Pregnant!" Sam and Lizzy screamed at the same time.
"Yes." dad said softly.
The doctor continued to explain, "There was damage to your wife's uturus and it had to be removed. She lost the baby and I'm afraid there'll be no more."
"When can I see her?" dad asked without looking at anyone else.
"She's in ICU right now, but you can see her. It will be a couple of hours before anyone else can though."
We all got up and gave dad a hug. We told him to give mum our love and that we'd see her as soon as we could.
Once mum woke up and was moved to a regular room, she asked to see us all individually. First Lizzy, mum wanted to see for herself that she was alright. Then Alex, because he's the baby, then me and then Sam. It was so good to see mum was okay.
The next day, the dad of one of my school mates, showed up at the hospital.
"What's Malfoy doing here?" Uncle Fred asked, standing up.
Dad went to talk to him.
"I was sent an urgent owl from Scorpius. The mother of his "girlfriend" was in the hospital and I needed to get a Healer up here right away. Apparently, my son has quite the crush on your daughter." Draco scowled.
Dad looked none to pleased either. I didn't know what they were saying, but when dad turned to look at me, I blushed.
At that same time, Lizzy and Sam were sitting with mum. Sam said mum was just fine one minute and then she started getting upset. Tossing and turning and clutching her abdomen. "Where's your father?" she asked. "I don't feel well."
"Go get dad, Lizzy." Sam said, with concern in his voice.
The next thing he knew, mum's eye rolled into the back of her head and she passed out. Alarms started going off on the equipment mum was hooked up to and nurses started rushing in. They shooed Sam out of the room and wouldn't let dad in to see her.