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Author-Chan's notes
• I wanna write pure smut stuffs so BSD fic here I come ( •ω•)ψ


"So you're all headed back to school tomorrow, if you haven't heard already we'll all be out to dinner tonight. The games will finish at 5pm and we will be taking the train downtown by 7pm. Understood?"

Ukai announced with a bunch of the guys cheering, there were some who looked more depressed than happy.

But that was a problem for another time.

"Yer switching with me got it? I get her in the mornin and you can have her for the afternoon."

Atsumu basically growled at Oikawa while resting his arm around my shoulders.

The rest of the teams dispersed to their courts with the other Mangers joining their coaches or body guards.

The reps all stood in the bleachers watching everyone.
I could basically feel the glares on me as I tried to relax in Atsumu's arms.

"Yea yea, I heard you the first time thing 2. I'm not as uh, how do I put this nicely, dense as you."

Oikawa taunted which made Atsumu show a visible red irk mark on his forehead.

Grabbing his waist he seemed to calm down a tiny bit, at least enough not to start a fight.

"Tooru please, just be nice."

I pleaded with the biggest puppy eyes I could.

Oikawa gave me his signature pout but he's never said no to me before when I used the "look" as he called it.

Regardless he ran his hand through his hair after a moment and leaned down to my level so he was much closer to my face.

"Anything for you babygirl."

He purred smirking at me and glancing up at Atsumu as he stood back up and casually walked away.

My body froze while I watched him walk to the team like nothing had happened.

"Tch that's new, and I don't like it."

Atsumu scoffed ushering me with him to the side of the court where the rest of Inarizaki was warming up.

"G-go practice sets please, I'll be with coach."

I said quietly since my thoughts had basically been scrambled.
Hell if I didn't know any better I would've said my hands were shaking.

Or maybe that was just my mind since Atsumu just smiled happily down at me and tilted my head up to look at him.

"Alright Gorgeous~ make sure to watch me."

He cooed pressing a kiss on my forehead and jogging over to a video taping Suna and a very annoyed Osamu.

"Is there something wrong (y/n)?"

Coach asked as I sat down and leaned back enough that I could feel the cold metal on my back as I relaxed.

That was mildly short lived though since whenever I would look at my hands they were still shaky.

"I-I'm fine, my voice is at least a little better."

I rasped out which made Coach smile somewhat while he jotted down some more notes on the already filled up clip board.

After a few seconds he muttered something to me before getting up and making the guys get in a huddle.

Oikawa never says that.

"Babygirl" was one of the only nicknames he absolutely never called me.


Point blank period.




He had plenty of hook ups, I knew that, hell the whole school knew that.


He'd call me everything under the sun from Shorty, to Angel.


But "Babygirl" was only reserved for his girlfriends and hook ups.

Tapping my foot on the ground I watched coach speak to the team and show them the clip board.
With the amount of notes he had down on that thing I assumed it would be for a while.

So looking over I could see Shiratorizawa and Nekoma's game.

Tendō had just blocked one of Kuroo's spikes and was boasting about it clearly.

Fukurodani was playing Karasuno with a happy Kiyoko sat beside Ukai.
It was definitely one of the more high energy matches compared to everyone else.

Then my eyes drifted to Seijoh, they were playing Nohebi.

Oikawa was sever as he usually was in the beginning of games.


Squeals of the reps broke my ear drums as my attention turned to them.

They really do sound like pigs on crack.

Lyla was sat with Nekoma's rep on one side and Fukurodani's on her other side with smug smirks on their faces as Oikawa glared at them.

Normally he was a lot more attentive to fans but this just seemed to irk him.

Especially since he threw the ball up later than normal.

He only does that for a power serve-


The ball had slammed down directly on the line of the court.

Now the squeals of joy had turned to one of pain as the ball bounced off the ground and smashed directly into Fukurodani's reps face.

"That's for Yukie, least your ugly ass insides will match your outsides now. Guess I should've aimed a little to the side, I could've hit two bitch birds with one stone."

Oikawa yelled up at the rep who was holding her nose with bloody knuckles clearly from the beating yesterday.

Lyla stuck her tongue out at Oikawa while the rest of Seijoh just tried to hold back laughs.

Granted I was too and so were the rest of the teams but my internal laughter was cut short by my body being lifted from the bench.

"Well Angel~ I unfortunately can't hit a serve like that yet, but I do get some time off to show you what I wanted to yesterday."

Atsumu purred down at me holding me in his arms bridal style and taking me away from the commotion.

Opening the door with his back I could see the other guys.

Osamu looked annoyed but I assumed it was just cause Atsumu was being annoying to him before.

Suna was taking pictures running around trying to get the best angle of the angry reps.

And Kita was attempting to scold the rest of the team since they were all snickering to themselves, it wasn't really working.

"It's not far from here, just come with me."

Atsumu chuckled setting me down and grabbing my hand.

He basically sprinted off towards the hotel area with his full force.
I could barley keep up but luckily he did slow down a tiny bit when he noticed my hand was slipping from his.

"We're just going back to the room?"

I questioned quietly but Atsumu was luckily able to hear me.

"No, no, I got a surprise for ya in the room."

He chuckled once more turning the corner of the street and smiling a toothy grin as he walked inside the lobby.


~QUIET~ [Atsumu x Reader 18+]Where stories live. Discover now