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(Y/n) POV
The night went on after that whole ordeal.
Iwaizumi dropped me off with the other managers before heading down to talk to Kuroo.

Maddie had tried to help me but it wasn't very effective, sure I didn't mind hearing it but this was my breaking point.
Yachi and Kiyoko were both also trying to help, mostly Kiyoko offering me water and ice for my jaw.
Yachi basically ended up crying with me since she felt terrible that they didn't come down with me when they heard the commotion.

I figured it was probably Oikawa with something but I didn't expect it to be with Atsumu.
So I ran down to see that.

Only minutes before I told Maddie something, saying how I thought it was a petty fight so I could go break it up.

"Iwaizumi was right you can just spend the day with us, I promise the worst that could happen is Yamamoto constantly trying to hug you. Or maybe Lev trying to, but it wouldn't be painful I promise."

Maddie tried to comfort me while I sat on the bed next to her.
Yachi and Kiyoko were both still concerned sitting at the edge of the bed while Maddie was beside me.

I nodded simply while holding the ice to my throat and my jaw.
In all honesty I wasn't sure how much worse this week could get.

Now I barley wanted to be around Atsumu and Oikawa.
Sure it was a misunderstanding but it still pissed me off that Atsumu would think I was cheating on him, and that he immediately got into a fight over it.
And Oikawa I knew was going to be pissed off for at least a few hours in the morning if not for a few days.

"I think we're going to the pool with Fukurodani so I hope you'll be okay."

Maddie said looking up from her phone, I assumed it was Kuroo texting her the plans for tomorrow.
I just laid down and closed my eyes since the pain was somewhat subsiding with the pain meds and ice I was using.

"I-I don't think I've ever seen Oikawa so mad before."
Yachi said while her and Kiyoko moved over to their bed since Maddie was laying down next to me now.

"Yea really, he always seems so level headed."
Maddie said since Kiyoko had gotten up and was replacing my ice for me.

'I've only ever seen him fight 4 times, that was the most angry I've ever seen him as well.'

I handed my phone to Maddie who read it and sighed to herself before handing me the phone back.

"Apparently (y/n) has never seen him so mad either. We really just need to get away from these guys every once and a while I think."

She said while all of us mutually agreed.
We all loved our teams but good god they get tiring after a while.

"Why don't we all take a break tomorrow? I know it's only the first day but I'm sure the coaches will understand."

Kiyoko said now sitting beside Yachi who seemed rather happy about the idea.
Same with Maddie she perked up slightly but I still couldn't get my head off the two fighting from earlier.

"We can try, I'm sure the Nekoma guys won't mind tagging along for shopping or something."
Maddie suggested which was nice since the Nekoma guys were definitely the most relaxed out of the teams.
Or at least they were the most nerdy so they weren't exactly into relationships.

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