A Musician and His Lover --AusHun--

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Erzébet stood at the side of the room, surrounded by a few of her friends. They all happily chatted within themselves, enjoying the night. A few people danced in the center of the ballroom, elegance surrounding the entire room through the gentle music. Strings were accompanied by woodwinds, percussion, and brass instruments. It was an aura she could get used to. Her lover, up on stage, and conducting his music for everyone to relish with families and friends alike enjoying their night together. She had already spotted a few lovers dancing to Roderick's music.

Music was something he took pride in. Roderick had always had an interest in it before turned into a full-time job for him. He never hated it though, despite the times he would complain about how things wouldn't sound well together or the times he'd be uncertain about his music skills. However, Eliza was always there to comfort him. She always was there to let him know of small mistakes here and there, support him when he felt he couldn't come up with anything. He loved how she never complained about his work, never requested anything grand or extravagant, all while she gave him all of her love.

And so, he had decided to propose to her. He had been with her for a while, childhood friends, of a sort. Even though they weren't very close at first, he eventually grew to get attached to her. Roderick would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, but with how much he had known about Eliza, he was pretty certain she would accept. If everything goes well, it would be one of the best things that had happened in his life.

As the music came down to its grand finale, Eliza turned her attention up to the stage, watching Roderick conduct the musicians. When the sounds of the instruments died down, a roar of applause went around. Her lover's music never disappointed anyone. Her beaming smile was so adorable, so proud, Roderick could even see it from the stage. He loved her so much, and if anything, this only made her more likable and adorable. She respected him, and he appreciated that. After his own bows, he stepped off the stage, letting a second conductor on.

It took Roderick a while to find Eliza. When he did, she was gathered with her friends, distracted amongst their conversation. He could tell that they were talking about Feliciano. A young man that was given under his care. Although he was originally thinking of raising the boy alone, Eliza had seemed to come along and help him out. Her kind soul was there, and even though he declined at first, her determination to help him eventually got to him. He could still remember one of the first times Eliza had listened to his music.

A soft melody played through the music room, virtually empty of everyone aside from three beings, one sitting at the piano and another adult sitting on a chair parallel to the pianist with a child on her lap. The pianist's gentle melody had lulled the small boy into a drowsy state.

Erzébet held Feliciano, softly moving her body back and forth to the beat. Feliciano hadn't completely fallen asleep as the music ended and opted to watch Roderick play like Erzébet often did. He didn't understand why the two hadn't been in a relationship. Ms. Héderváry had clear feelings for the man, he had noticed. And even though Roderick had often kept his feelings well hidden, he noticed that even now and then, the man would slip up and utter a compliment to her.

A small clapping bought him out of his thoughts. Roderick had already finished the last bars of the music. Feliciano smiled, loving the softness of what Roderick wrote, and clapped along with Eliza. He could see Roderick's satisfied smile.

"I hope that was good?" he said, although it sounded more like a question.

Erzébet softly chuckled. "Mr. Edelstein, your music sounds wonderful, don't worry," she reassured, slightly leaning back against the chair.

Roderick shared a smile, muttering thank you in his mother language. The two shared eye contact for a bit before it flickered to the young boy on Eliza's lap. "Feli, come here, take a seat with me while I play," he invited.

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