The Journey Starts

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I run as fast as I can away from them. They do not follow me but with the imprint they left in my mind they well have been. I turn and my eyes connect with those of the gun man's. His eyes were dark and full of nightmares, they were cold hard pits of evil. I snap my head forward and continue to run, no sprint but there is only so far a person can run. I soon become tired especially in the Asian heat.I look around but I am in the middle of nowhere. You must be thinking if she lives close to the middle of nowhere how did she go to the market? Well, I walked. It took me quite a while but I eventually did get their. This on the other hand, is a completely different matter as I ran without knowing which direction I was heading in. If I was going to get to this London place, I need to know which way and how to get to this place. Also about the 'uncle' that my dad only told me about now. According to them we didn't have any family. How am I supposed to trust them if they thought they could lie to me? Not like that's an issue now though...

I walk around but I'm not sure if I'm going left or right, even forwards or backwards. I continue to wander around aimlessly, hoping that I will receive some sort of sign telling me where to go and what to do. I look at the floor and sit down. If I'm going to travel further I'm going to need to get some rest and hope the morning is better.


"Looks Like a good one! How much do you think they gonna pay for her?" A husky voice says. He can't be that much older than me. I don't dare open my eyes though as I don't know who they are or might want.

"She's in good shape probably 15 or 16 years old. So maybe £200 which would mean we could by those good cigarettes from London" A deep voice says to the other one.

I jolt up at the sound of London. No the best thing I should have done but I did anyway. They jumped back and I saw them. They weren't that old. One looked around 18 while the other looked around 20. They both had the same colour hair, eyes and face shape suggesting they were brothers. We all remain silent as they continue to analyse me and if I'm honest it was making me extremely uncomfortable.

"What were you gentlemen saying about London? Are you going there?"

I really hope they are. I know I shouldn't go with them as they were going to sell me but my father was really urgent in the fact that I needed to get to London. What is the possibility someone else is going to find me?

"Excuse me?! I asked you a question." I say a bot louder than before.

That seemed to get them to stop analysing me.

"We are going to London and we are going to sell you there." The younger looking one replied.

Sell me? Why?! I then see the older one flick the youngers head. They are going to try and lie aren't they?

"What my idiot brother meant to say was we are going to London to sell some market goods to a friend of ours. Would you like a lift to London and you can make your way from there?"

Well that was easy. I'm not completely convinced that they had thos intentions but I play along. Even if they at least get me part of the way there I can get another ride.


They smile at each other then proceed to help me up. They lead me to a large truck. How did I not hear that coming?

"Come on little lady." They open the door and help me in but as I sit down I hear various muffled shout and they weren't coming from me or the boys. They pretend they didn't hear but they probably did. I'll have to investigate later. Off to London I go!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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