Late Nights In | Tim Drake x reader

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Request: can i request 15 and 16 with tim drake? it's alright if you don't time for it it's alright

Paring: Tim Drake x reader (both are in their early 20s)

Prompts: 15-"Make me." 16-"if you don't put a shirt on i'm gonna have to kiss you and who knows where things will go from there

Summary: Just you and Tim having a nice little date

A/n: I didn't use any gender specific pronouns or anything so technically this is a gn!reader but i did write it with a girl in mind so read at your own risk. Also this one was actually requested off my old prompt list.

Word count: 1.3k

Life as a Gothamite is never boring

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Life as a Gothamite is never boring. Every few days there's a new murdering psychopath with a clever theme. Like the Riddler who dresses in green and asks, get ready for it... riddles! Some other honorable mentions include Killer Croc the killing crocodile, Mr. Freeze the guy who freezes stuff, and of course who can forget Scarface the dummy with a scar on his face.

All these villains prancing around town made dating a superhero unnecessarily difficult. Date nights were few and far between when there's a killer clown on the loose. But you didn't let that get in the way. You made the most of the time you had even if it was less time then you wanted.

It'd been almost 3 weeks since Tim had a night off and you were dying to see him. Texting was fine for a week or two and you didn't consider yourself a high maintenance or clingy person but you could only go so long without him. So when he called to say he had a night off you suggested he come over to your place to watch a movie and have some take out.

Your apartment wasn't necessarily small but it definitely wasn't big. The door opened right into a short hallway which led to the kitchen. There was a counter between the kitchen and dining area but nothing in between that and the living room. There were two doors and either side of the living room and the door to the left led into a bathroom while the door to the right was your bedroom.

When Tim arrived a little after 8 he was holding a bunch of roses and a cute stuffed bear with the words "I love you" stitched into its belly. There was a duffle bag slung over his shoulder that most likely held his sparring gear and his costume in a secret pocket at the bottom. He looked tired and smelled like a gym which brought you to conclusions that he did not go home after sparring and instead came straight to you.

He immediately started rambling about how much he'd missed you and how sorry he was for his busy schedule.

"I am so so sorry. It's been so long since I've had a night off and I know you wanted to go to that movie last week and I couldn't make it and-" You cut him off with a quick kiss.

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