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"A hospital for souls"

Annabelle shot out of bed, her eyes flying open, her hair sticking to the nape of her neck in sweaty strands. unfortunately for her, she forgot to remember the small fact that she was on the bottom half of a bunk bed, and slammed her forehead onto the bed above her. She winced, fingers flying to the bump allready forming. she grumbled to herself, sour at the injury. she swung her legs to the side of the bed, only to almost scream at what she saw. Hanging upside-down from her top bunk like a bat, staring at her, eye to eyes was Nikki.

"Good morning, Annabelle" Nicole said brightly, a glint in her otherwise dead eyes.

Annabelle slapped a hand to her mouth to keep hersef from yelling out in fright.

"Did you know you talk when you sleep? It's quite interesting. You seemed quite scared, though. you thrashed around in your sleep a lot. Tell me, were you having a nightmare?"

"G-g-good morn-ning Nicole. d-d-d-did you sleep-p-p well?" Annabelle stuttered, attempting to calm her heartbeat down and purposefully avoiding her question. She looked past the disturbed girl over to the clock max had set up yesterday. The letters sleepily blinked out 5:16. She sighed. well, that meant she had gotten a full 6 hours before the usual nightmares had kicked in, which was more than normal. Annabelle jumped off of the bed, manuvering her way around the hanging girl, who immidatly swung up onto her bed like a monkey, resting her head on her hands starring at her unbashedly. She sighed, running a hand through her wild black hair, and turned around to get dressed

"No." Nicole said, "I never sleep. why waste time resting when you could be doing... other things." she said disturbingly, a creepy smile crawling onto her face.

Ok, annabelle thought to herself, I should probably leave now before she decides to tell me what other things were.

"T-thats n-n-nice.." she trailed off, turning around to get dressed. She had discovered four things about the scool yesterday. one, you were ony required to wear the official uniform on class days, (monday, tuesday, thursday and friday) which was good news to most people, with the exception of Annabelle, who had brought only her stupid dress clothes (luckily Devin had offered to take her shopping soon, which meant in the meantime she got to borrow Max's tanktops and Devin's jeans.) Two, classes lasted from 10:00 to 6:30 with a two hour lunch break with an open campus policy (which for her promptly translated into buying her lunch in the cafeteria and coming back here to eat and draw.) Three, there were four mandatory classes with three specialty classes on class days, (Annabelle had Geometry, then chemestry, a break for lunch, speach therapy, creative writing, English Language Arts 111, europian history and anxiety counseling {the last class she fully intended to skip.}) Four, breakfast lunch and dinner was served in the cafeteria every morning, afternoon and evening, (breakfast- 6am through 9:45, lunch- 12pm through 3, dinner- 6:45 through 8. Snacks were avaliable at any other time from the vending machene.)

(all of this which annabelle wrote down because, fuck her, she likes to be orderly.)

She broke out of her thoughts when she was dressed (wearing a tank top and athletic shorts) and decided to do running ( she enjoyed running probably a lot more that a girl with an inhaler should have) she grabbed a bag and filled it with her room key, journal, money, her inhailer and her I.D. (Annabelle didn't have a phone. She had nobody to text) Annabelle turned back around to say goodbye to Nikki, but the young girl already had her back turned to Annabelle and was muttering to herself. Annabelle shivered and left the room.

Turning the key to lock the door she quietly hummed to herself, a calm feeling settling on her. as she turned around to leave the building, she walked straight into a chest. She shot back immidatly as if she had been shot. Of course though, because this was her they were talking about, in the process of doing so she tripped backwards and fell on her ass.

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