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-The Dragon Village-

Wiwi munch all the food fast, it's been a day she didn't eat.. How many days? Maybe almost a week "need more food?" ask the boy looking at wiwi.

She just shake her head means 'no'. After her belly full, she start drink some water then burb a little. Finally, feel the belly fulled made she happy a bit "you look happy" the boy said with a little smile on his face

"yea.. Uhmm can I ask something?" wiwi looked up at his face "what your name?" ask wiwi

"my name vinct.. I'm 19 years old" he smiled, wiwi nodding her head "well vinct.. Thanks for the food~ my name is Wiwi, 14 years old" she reply with smile too. Vinct nodded, allowed Wiwi to stay here for a day.

Both of them start walk looking around the village, since only Vinct that Wiwi know in this place so there's no choice but to believe him only. It's been late night since they keep talking with each other and telling own past story "so this is Dragon Village?" Wiwi looking at the sea, the wave being gentle this night, not as before.

Tonight more could than usual.. Is it because the sea or only her feel the cold? Rubbing both arm to warm herself. Vinct opened his jacket at let Wiwi wear it "you cold?" Wiwi look at him and just give a smile "thanks"

Both of them being quite for a minute, no comment or story to tell just watching the sea and the star. Wish she will have a nice day tomorrow, hoping there will nothing bothering her. Let her rest for a day, from a tired day and pain. Let her rest in happily now.




The next day, Wiwi wake up in good mood. After showered and have a breakfast she going outside to take some air, talking with some villager and children there. They just meet wiwi but already being this closer. Maybe because Wiwi already know how to made people happy or being comfortable with her.

After a while, she sitting at the rock staring at the river infront her. Thinking what will happend next, and thinking how to use the power her mother just give. Slowly she touching her chest and rubbing it gently to calm her heart.

Felt gladly she found this village, she even don't know yet how to survive alone out there. Well, one day maybe she will know. From now on she live here and learn many things more about this word.

Wiwi walk back to the village and saw Vinct picking up some box and put inside the horse carriage
"what you doing?"
Wiwi walk closer to him "oh hey Wiwi, Just doing my work here"

"want me to help?" vinct smile and keep put the box in the place "nah no need. You should rest" he wipe his sweat a little with his small towel on his neck. After all done he walking to Wiwi then patting her head "you hungry?"

Wiwi nodded her head slowly. Vinct bring her to the one little shop that selled alot bread. Wiwi looking at it with a bling bling eyes UwU.

"which one you want?" said the vinct to wiwi that being looking at all bread
"o-oh.. I want that one" wiwi point one medium size of bread that filled with a chocolate.

"alright then.. Sir can i have that one?" vinct buy 2 chocolate bread for wiwi and one big spicy bread for him.
Both of them eat with peacfully and really enjoying their breakfast.

The people in the village slowly start liking Wiwi cause of her innocent and cute character. Wiwi also learning making potion from them, saying maybe this way will help them somedays and making alot potion when they have a trouble.

Its been 6 days for wiwi in this village.
She now can making own potion bu herself. But maybe some of it failed and some of it really work. Her interest making potion more wide, averytime the potion work she will be very happy.

Vinct also being more good in fighting. For wiwi he already good in fighting cause' his body big (:0)

Wiwi more happy living in this country. But wiwi still sus with vinct because if he a dragon then why his tail not same with other? His tail more looking like a demon because it so thin.

Trying not to think about it to much, she just focussing on her experiment and helping other.

She learn to made money and selled her potion by the people in this village. She get alot money by it and now she can eat her bread as many as she want! Yum!

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