Chapter 2: A murder of crows

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Knox Jothen was amidst the sea once again. 

Violent waves slammed against the hull of a ship as it glided through the dark blue abyss. Lantern-like lamps were hung on walls for lighting, as this ship did not have electricity. Muffled conversations held over candle light, beers and hope for a better future roared behind the man as he glanced out to the vicious surroundings. It was early morning, the light barely escaping the horizon, the black waves dancing in the foreground - a smoky-grey clouded sky accompanied it like an unwelcomed guest. The air was thick with the taste and smell of fresh sea salt that seemed to permanently fuse to one's senses. 

Although the weather was rough and unforgiving, Knox found peace in it. Rushing of the wind, breathing of the sea - it was like a living being to him. Of course, he didn't believe in anything such as regular religions - he believed in something more... dangerous. Things like curses and unnatural creatures, the type that creep in the dark when your back is turned, things that are a little too similar to what people call magic

After a week of dragged out  days that blended seamlessly together passed, along with the cruel storm that raged the ocean a few nights prior, he was almost at his destination. It was a hot day and the angry ball of fire in the sky beamed down like an unforgiving glare, on the small boat and the smooth sea surrounding it. 

A mix of the thick heat, lack of wind and sea spray caused Knox's white shirt to cling to his tanned body, which served to cool him down as he worked at the ropes; the members aboard had to work with the very little wind provided by the weather. That was until his name was called from the lower decks. 

Obnoxious chatter and laughter erupted as he made his way to the lower decks. He walks past a mirror; his hair was a jet black and in a slicked back style, he ruffled it a bit - appearances matter, especially when you can get thrown overboard at any time by a mood-swinging Captain. Knox had attempted to make his shirt look somewhat smarter before fully going down the stairs and over to the Captain. 

A few of the crew were gathered around him as he was reading from... Knox's stomached dropped quicker than an anchor. They were reading his journal. 

"Hey," He spoke, his voice easily swallowed up against the laughter and ambience of the ocean. He tried again, but louder. "Hey!" There. That got their attention. 

"This yours, lad?" The Captain asked, black eyes crinkled at the corners and his ugly mouth turned into a half moon. Almost as if on command, the noise dropped to a dangerous silence, even the ocean seemed to quieten down. 

"Yes. I- I can explain thought. It's for a boo-"

The Captain's laugh interrupted him, which came out as more of a wet bark than a laugh. "Don't lie, boy." Another crew member picked up Knox's bag with a clink. "Either you're smugglin' beer or there's somethin' you don't fancy me seein'." 

"I'm not smuggling anything, please put that down-" Knox's voice was filled with urgency as he stepped forwards, only to be warned by a crew member pulling a gun. He continued, "You really don't know what you're messing with.. Please." 

"Well, 'tis safe accordin' to you laddie."

Two more people had stationed themselves behind Knox after walking downstairs to investigate the commotion. Knox knew he should've taken the risk of a regular boat - since modern-day pirates were still heavily unreliable and had a high tendency to get bored, seeing as there was rarely any easy 'treasure' or money to be made. 

The Captain reached his hand into the potato sack of a bag, pulling out a few glass bottles which seemed to contain ingredients such as dry sea weed, black sand, spices. "Tryna make food down 'ere?" He barked another laugh. After a few more minutes of Knox's humiliation, the Captain grabbed hold of the bag, throwing the book on the floor - the sound of shattering glass filled the boat. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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