Chapter 3

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~~~Chapter Three~~~

Author's Note :

Hello! It's me again. So, my computer keys are kind of stuck, so I'll write most of this on my phone. So please excuse me if I spell some words wrong. Also, Thank you all for reading this!


Did that albino boy just call me his friend.

And where is Emma?

Did they plan this?

What's their goal, if they did?

All these thoughts raced through my head at once. "Uh, Ray, are you okay over there?" Norman asked, tilting his head. "Oh, yeah, yeah." I sighed, sitting down on his bed. "So, what do you want to do?" Norman asked, sitting down next to me. "We could make out." he said. I could feel my face turn beet red. "It was a joke." Norman laughed.

Haha, how funny, Norman.

"I mean, we could." He laughed, laying down on his bed. "That's not funny!" I laughed, laying down, and tickling him. Norman laughed, trying to stop me from tickling him. "BAHAHAHA-STOP IT--HAHAHHAHA-PLEEAAASSSEEEE" Norman begged, tearing coming to his eyes. His perfect, ocean blue eyes. "Ha! Let your guard down!" Norman laughed, as he jumped on top of me, and tickled me. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"I screamed, trying not to smile, but that plan failed right when I made it, no, it failed long before I made it.

"Is everybody okay?!" A man asked, well, he wasn't a man, but a young adult, came running in. He looked a lot like Norman. "h e l p" I weezed, as Norman stopped tickling me. I couldn't breath because

Norman just tickled me, and for a while.

Norman was sitting on my chest, while I was laying down on the bed, so it was really hard to breath.

"Norman that's kinda gay." The man said. Sitting down on the bed. "W h o a r e y o u ?" I weezed, trying to sound like I wasn't dead. "I'm Norman's brother, William. I heard screaming so I came here." He explained. "Also, Norman, stop sitting on your friend. As I said before, it looks kinda gay. Though I mean it's fine if you are gay. I don't mind." He laughed. Norman got off of me, and sat on what little was left of the bed. "Yeah, uh, who are you, anyway?" William asked me. "Uh, I'm Ray." I said. He held out his hand and smiled. "Nice to meet you, Ray."

"Oh, yeah! Also, he's my friend." Norman added. That word again! But why does he think that? Soon, William walked out. "Anyway, now that that's over," Norman grinned. "Don't you dare tickle me." I laughed. "Nah, I won't, but what should we do?" Norman asked. "The idea of making out wasn't so bad." I whispered. "What did you say?" Norman asked, leaning down so he could get better hearing. "We could study, though that wouldn't be very fun." Norman sighed. "How about the 20 questions game!" he suggested. "Sure." I agreed. He went first.

"Favorite color?" (Norman)

" Ocean blue. Your first crush?"(Ray)

"A boy that was in my class in fifth grade. Your favorite parent?" (Norman)

"Different question." (Ray)

"Okay, your favorite animal?" (Norman)

"Bird. Least favorite animal?" (ray)

"Slugs. Your sexuality?" (Norman)

"Straight as a circle. Yours?" (Ray)

"Straight as a bendy ruler." He grinned. "Anyway, wanna do something else? I'm bored. Though it's nice to know some stuff about you!"He smiled. "Is the 'making out' idea still up for grabs?" I asked, trying to sound like I was kidding. By the look on his face, I could tell I failed. "I mean, sure." Norman laughed. He sat on my chest really quickly and soon, our faces were inches apart.

-third person POV (yey)-

Norman and Ray had their faces inches apart. Though for Ray, it felt much closer. It felt,

Really gay.

Ray pushed Norman off of him, as he sat up and felt his forehead. "What's wrong?" Norman asked. "I've never kissed someone before. . ." Ray sheepishly admittedly sighed. "It's alright!" Norman laughed, lightly taking Ray's chin and pulling him closer. As their lips met, Norman felt Ray's soft, light, tender and bitter-sweet kiss meet his face. Ray pulled back almost instantly. "I'm sorry, I need to go." Ray said, standing up and waking out.

---Norman POV 🐁---

As Ray left, I walked to my brother's room. "Any luck yet?" I asked. "I found out his last name." William said back, turning around to face me. "Really? What is it?" I asked, leaning in towards his computer. "It's Ackerman." he grinded. "Uh, no, it's not." I said flatly. "Yeah, it's not. It's Posten." William said, and this time I knew he wasn't lying. "So, anything related to his last name?" I asked. "Yeah, apparently his dad works somewhere in America. Florida, I think." He explained. "Though why does he live here then?" I asked, looking around my brother's room. "I'm not sure. It could be some parent divorce thing, but I'll have to look further into it. In the meantime, wanna play Amongst Us?" He asked. "Sure!" I grinned.

--Emma POV--

I sat on my bed, watching TV. it's too bad I couldn't come to Norman's house. I really like him. He seems like a great person. My sister came into my room. "What's up, GIlda?" I asked, pausing the show I was watching. "So, I heard you have a new boy in your class." She smiled. "Uh, yeah! He is in my class, but I'm not sure if I have a crush on him nor not." I lied. "Oooooooo show me a picture!" She smiled. "I don't have one. Though I could invite them for a sleepover!" I offered. "Yessss! Let's do it right now!" Gilda exclaimed.

~~3rd person POV~~

Ray hung his head low as he walked to his house. He felt so betrayed, angry, but he felt something else. He wasn't sad, but he felt something he hadn't felt in a long time. Something he felt when his mother used to hug him, and when his father used to care.

Author's Note : Hello! Yeah, I know this is the second author's note in this chapter, but hey! I would like to thank everybody who is reading this! Have a good day or night!!🌝✌

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