Chapter 2 (EDITED)

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GO bUIlD A HOusE shE SAYs I DidNt WaNt A HOuSE SHe SaYS 

THen WhaT tHe HeLL DId YOu WanT mE tO dO

Saile's p.o.v

The morning announcement woke me up so i decided to get off the floor and go take a shower then get dressed and then wake up shuichi 

After i got done with my shower and i got dressed i woke shuichi up the only way i know how since he's a deep sleeper

Shuichi's p.o.v

I got woke up by saile hitting me in the face with a pillow. 

Shuichi :  OW! What the hell was that for

Saile : I was just waking you up and now that your awake go take a shower and get dressed so we can go to the dining hall 

Shuichi : I hate you 

Saile : I know! Thats what makes me a good brother

Shuichi : leave so i can get ready 

Saile : Okay! 

After saile left i took a shower and changed my clothes then met him in the hallway and attempted to start a conversation with him

Shuichi : so what do you think about trees 

Saile : I think that they are pretty and i want a tiny bonsai tree but i cant get one because i dont have money 

Shuichi : I could just buy you one you know?

Saile : Do you know how expensive they are and plus its not right for you to buy it and me not be able to pay you back

Shuichi : You can pay me back by cleaning the room for a week

Saile : Fiiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeeeeeeeee

We then got to the dining hall and when we walked in the door we were greeted by tenko throwing a table at us 

Tenko : Oops sorry i was aiming at kaito 

Saile : Why would you throw a table at kaito

Tenko : Well he asked if i could throw a table at him to see if he could dodge fast enough and he did then you guys walked in and almost got hit and now here we are 

Shuichi : Well okay then

That's all i said before i sat down and drank my tea with flower petals in it.

Saile's p.o.v 

I was getting bored so i decided to try to start a conversation 

Saile  : So how is everybodys day going so far 

Kiibo : Mines just starting i was planning on making flower crowns later on today though

Miu : Can i help i promise i wont do anything like i did last time 

Kiibo : Are you sure about that 

Miu  : Yes im sure so can i please help ?

Kiibo : Fine but dont try anything or i wont talk to you ever again

Miu : Noooooooooooooo im sorry 

Shuichi : Well this is quite puzzling 

Saile : ye-up seems to be so 

Shuichi : Honestly why do you talk like that 

Saile : I dont know i just do 

Tenko : What the hell is wrong with you four

Saile & Shuichi : Everything 

Kaito : Well getting away from this topic what are you guys plans for today?

Maki : My plans where to train but im not going to since i dont have any body to train with

Kaito : Okay well how about you angie 

Angie : I actually dont have anything planned to do for today so nothing i guess 

Maki : Well since i dont have anybody to trian with maybe we could hang out together? 

Angie : Okay!

Shuichi : Hey saile can we practice later (hes talking about gymnastics)

Saile : Sure 

Kokichi : Can i join too 

Shuichi : Of course you can

Kokichi : Thanks shumai!

Shuichi : Please stop calling me that 

Kokichi : Awwww but why saihara chan i thought you liked the nick-name i gave you

Shuichi : No i dont so please stop 

Kokichi : Okay fiiiinnnneeeeee whatever you say shumai


(Sailes just in the background dying)

Korekiyo : Hey kirumi can i help you clean today

Kirumi : Sur-


Korekiyo : Im not planning anything i just wanted to help her with cleaning 

i mean if its that much of a big deal then i wont 

Kirumi : Its fine korekiyo 

and tenko please stop assuming all of the boys have bad intentions when  they try to talk to any of us 

Tenko : Fine......

Vittrill AU ( i was still rewriting this it's just on haitus now )Where stories live. Discover now