Frist Job

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Authors note:

Hello minna!

How is my story can I have some feed back? And thanks a bunch for reading my fanfic!

Please enjoy.


        I love it here in Fairy Tail! In stead of living in Fairy Hills where all of the other girls live, I got an apartment right by Lucy! So now I have a big nice place where Bee and I can live peacefully. Its been about three days now and I decorated my room! The walls are black with white carpet. I also bought bee a nice cat bed. But she never uses it which is annoying. Anyway Natsu and Lucy invited me and Bee to help them with a job. I guess we have to get rid of a pest problem in a pub a few towns away. I put on a different outfit on today. A black tank top and leggings. With my sandals and I would never get rid of my scarf. My mother gave me that scarf I found it through the rubble when I went back to my village.

"Wow Rose your not wearing your usual outfit." Bee states. I nod.

"Well now im in Fairy Tail, I cant be wearing the same thing every day." I tell her and fix my hair. I hear a knock at the door and I rush to get it. Right when I open it Natsu runs into my house and looks around.

"Looks the same as Lucy's." He says disappointed in some reason. Then i notice Lucy smiling sweetly at the door.

"Oh you can come in." I tell her.

"Sorry about Natsu he doesn't know what manors are." She says annoyed by the inappropriate Natsu.

"Its fine I'm the same way." I tell her.

"Anyway lets go." Natsu says.

"Are we going to take the train or walk?'' I ask.

"We'll walk Natsu has a fit when he has to go in transportation. Its only about three miles away.

"Okay lets go!" I say cheerfully. We all walk out of my house with Bee on my shoulder and happy flying right above us. Natsu is a little in front of Lucy and I. I lean into Lucy and Whisper, "How long have you two been together." Her face goes red from embarrassment.

"WE ARE NOT TOGETHER!" She yells and I giggle.

'' Geez it was only a question." I say with a smirk on my face.We continue walking until we get in the pub. Our client is a fat, short harry man. With a temper.

'' Are you dem wizards from fairy tail?" He asks loudly. We nod and say yes. " In the cell'ar there are them rats. Get rid otta them." He says with a weird accent. We head down stairs and Lucy and I gasp when we see these huge rats. They're about the size of Levy! Because shes short. hehehe. I get into my battle stance. If I wanted to I could wipe out all of them with one hit, but Natsu would be sad to get no action. Natsu is in a battle with five of them the other ten crowd around Lucy and I.

"OPEN THE GATE OF THE CRAB! CANCER!" Lucy yells while holding out one of her keys. Then a man dressed up like a crab with two scissors comes out.

"Ebi Ebi." He says.

'' Take out those rats." Lucy orders him.

"Sure thing ebi." He says and attacks them with his scissors. Well now its my chance. I clear my throat and put my arms out. My black eye goes red so now both of my eyes are red. This happens when ever I use my magic.

"Death ray!" I say and a black ray comes out and hits five of them and they instantly die. I knee; down by them. "Im sorry t was my orders." I say and my eye goes back to black. Lucy and Natsu have their mouths open. I look at them. " What?" I ask and they shake their heads obviously afraid of my power. We collect our money and I get my share which is 40,000 Jewls. On our way back it gets really late so we decide to set up camp. We get our sleeping bags out and Natsu makes a fire. "Today was fun." I say with a big smile on my face.

"it really was. And your magic is awesome." Natsu says. I nod and we go to sleep.

It is dark and no one around. I see someone in a cloak covered in blood laughing. Then I see all of my guild mates dead on the floor. I look down and I'm coated in blood. The man turns around and blasts something at me.

I wake up sweaty from my nightmare. W-what was that just a nightmare or not? I ask myself. I sit up and look over and see Natsu holding Lucy. I can tell he grabbed her in their sleep. Its so adorable. I snap a pic to show Mira. She'll freak. Finding out I cant fall back asleep I get up and start to walk. Its a cool night the moon is full and everything quite. That's when I sensed it. A dark magic. The same I sensed when I was close To Zeref. I sneak around in the bushes and see a young man with black hair and black eyes. He is in this long cloak. Not the same in my dream but close.

Is that him? Is that the dark wizard Zeref? I ask myself. He stops dead in his tracks and speaks in this deep sorrowful tone.

"Who's there?" He asks obviously sensing my magic. Instead of getting the others or hiding I stand up. "W-who are you?" He asks afraid. This is obviously not Zeref. Its just a weak man.

"I'm Rose who are you?" I ask.

"Zeref." He says. I about died of anger. I-its him.

"I-its y-you! Y-you killed my parents!" I say and my body starts to lose control. My eyes turn a purple red. He sees this and realizes.

"How can you have the same magic as me?" He says curious.

"Shut up! Its all because of you! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" I scream and run at him. " Death punch!" I say and punch him. But he grabs my hand.

"You didnt answer my question." He says and then he punches me in the stomach. My eyes turn normal and I fall to the ground. The last thing I see before falling unconscious is an arm around my shoulder.


Plot twist. (0.0) Now we get into the romance. I think I'm just going to keep writing all day. Happy valentines day by the way. Thanks for reading hoped you enjoyed it!

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