- Cut the strings -

18 2 1


Stay safe!!! What's your favorite colour?


"Hey Rumiko, can we go to the park now..? I've been waiting 3 hours.." Oikawa stammered, fidgeting with his hands. He was honestly terrified of her, but he was going to break up with her anyways, so he decided to just bitch around 'till he left.

"Sure whatever brat" She retorted, digging her nails into his hands. He winced at the stabbing sensation in his hands but said nothing about it. He was getting excited of what he was going to do today.

They arrived at the park, hand in hand. Oikawa was stoked, so excited to break up with her. They stood in the middle of the park when Oikawa stopped.

"What the hell, Tooru." Rumiko stopped. She let go of his hand.

"Kento Rumiko," Oikawa said kneeling down. A few people gasped as they watched the show. "Will you, my girlfriend," He spoke out. Rumiko was tearing up, and others watched happily. He pulled out the box. "Break up with me?" ..................... silence as everyone stared at the scene.

"What..?"Rumiko said, looking at the small note in the box that read 'You're a toxic bitch.'

"Break up with me." Oikawa repeated.

"No." Rumiko said. "I'm not."

"Too bad." He said throwing the box at her and standing up. "We're done, no what if or why. You know why." He spat. People were bustling away now, with at least one person filming this spectacular moment. Oikawa just turned around and walked away, despite his guilt and her toxicity gnawing away at him.

"You can't leave me, you need me!!" She yelled out, fuming. Oikawa kept moving, and pulled out his phone to delete her number. She broke down crying because she was so frustrated. She thought she had manipulated him enough to control his choices and lifestyle. With her getting cut out of his life, he felt he had snapped the strings of manipulation.

I...Did it...I, Did it!! He thought bouncing. He did it. He was still so guilty but he was so proud he finally snipped the strings of blood red manipulation. After those 2 abusive and toxic years, he broke up with her. He bounced around, even with the guilt. But he felt like it was getting melted away quickly.

Even though it wasn't.

He was far from being happy.

Very very far.

Oikawa sat on his couch with his parents fiddling with his fingernails. He picked at them when he was anxious or sad, which is why they had turned to nubs.

"Tooru, we got a call from your girlfriend." Spoke his father, in a deep and serious voice that would intimidate anyone. He flinched at the sudden speaking and tore at his nails with more force. "She says that you sexually assaulted her, and you punched and beat her before dumping and slicing her forehead?" His voice boomed with authority, almost making Oikawa cry. He was so mad someone lied about all the things she had did to him.

"I d-didn't f-father..." Oikawa said in a pathetic and weak voice that could be mistaken as a scared child's voice. He was terrified of his father. Oikawa knew his father was kind at heart, but he was still scared half to death. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he was about to say. The truth.


"Oh wow, now you"re lying about rape, abuse and blood shed?? I never thought I would live to see the day my son went feral." His mother spat, cutting him off. Oikawa's words died in his mouth. But then, un-clenching his hands, relaxing his face, then scrunching his nose and standing up ferociously.

"Oh, really!? Woah, I never thought I'd see the day that my parents believe someone that did all of those things to me!! She hurt me and raped me, so what the hell are you on!!?? Are you drunk out of your mind!!? You whores told me you would help if any sort of anything was toxic but noooooo everything has to be your way!! Always!!" Oikawa screamed, stomping a few times and throwing his hand up and down in the air. He slapped his hand over his mouth and dashed to his room, slamming the door and locking it. He collapsed to the ground and cried.

Rawr time skip lmAo 

He woke up on the ground, the sky still dark out his window. He still wore his wrinkled purple hoodie and grey sweatpants. He got to his feet, almost like he was high, stumbling to his bathroom.

Where are they... where are they... where.. aha! He searched through his cabinets, looking for that small red box behind the shampoo. He opened it, sighing in relief that his beloved grey shards sat in the box, clanging with life when he shook it around lightly. He took a small shard, placing it on the counter.

It was time to slit.













So uhhhhh This whole A/N is the edit. I had a very descriptive few paragraphs of how Oikawa s/it himself, but they got deleted by Wattpad, and I'm too lazy to fix that shit. (I'm a whole ass mood-) So, technically, I know what's wrong with each chapter, but I'm not going to re-do it until I feel like it :D

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Stay safe!!


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