BGCH 102: Cheap Cheap Cheap!

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"Hey guys we got mail! Everyone wake up and meet me in the theater!" Shouted Symone. "We have a theater!" Sandra exclaimed as she raced down the hall. Once everyone was gathered Symone stood before them. "Good morning guys! I found this letter in the kitchen so I'll read it out."

'Hello girls are you having a spectacular time in the club house? Well we need to set some ground rules, there's not many but they are important.

1.) If you break something or create a mess you girls will have to clean it. There are no maids so it's your choice to live in style or in a dump.

2.) We will not supply you girls money for personal needs, we will supply food and food money. In the beginning we will supply you with a powder room that is stocked with make up, hair supplies and much more!

3.) You can fight but to a certain extent. If we find that the fight is very dangerous that will be a cause for eviction.

4.) If you wish for someone to be evicted you at least need 6 girls to agree.

Now girls have fun exploring the rest of the house!' Symone finished reading.

All the girls leaped up and started looking around.

*Niki trips over a rug* "Oww." She muttered and looked at where she had fell. If she didn't stare at the floor she wouldn't have discovered a small trap door. It was barley noticeable, it had a clear thin string that you'd only be able to see if you were very close to the floor. She decided to pull it open and was shocked at what she saw. It was the most amazing basement she had ever seen. It had a bar and the walls were covered in colorful graffiti but the best thing in the basement was the bowling alley. She decided to keep the basement to herself and only tell a few girls so that it could be a hangout/secret room for them. Niki climbed the stairs and opened the door. She closed it quietly and covered it with the rug and walked away.

"OMG!" Sandra squealed. She had found the bad girls closet. It is already stocked with jewelry and shoes.

-1 hour later-

"BITCH DON'T TOUCH MY SH*T!" GiGi yelled at Sandra. "WHY THE F*CK DO YOU THINK YOU CAN TOUCH MY STUFF! I DONT WANT YOUR CHEAP HANDS TO TOUCH ANYTHING OF MINE!!" "But but but..." Sandra stuttered "I'M NOT A RESTROOM SO GET YOUR BUTTS OUTTA HERE!!!" GiGi yelled. Sandra left the room with her head low. Niki then entered the room. "What the hell was that?" Niki asked. "Ugh nothing I'll tell you everything later cause I think she's listening...." GiGi whispered. "Here follow me." Niki said.

"Where are we going?" GiGi asked while following Niki through a hallway. Niki then pulled up the rug, looked around, and opened the trap door. " "WOAH!" Gigi yelled. "Shhh!" They both headed into the basement.

"Oh my gosh this is amazing!" GiGi said. "I know right, but you can't tell anybody, or at least until we trust more people so it could be are secret meeting spot." "Okay." "So what happened?" Niki said. "So first off you know Sandra? The blonde chunky monkey. She's so irritating like she keeps touching my stuff! And my stuff is all expensive and shes hella cheap like her weave=cheap. Her nails=cheap. Her clothes=cheap. Like ew get your Walmart shopping ass out of here! Like You feel me? She pushed me over the edge this morning. So I was showing Symone these two dresses and Mrs. Walmart decides to come up and snatch my dresses out my hands and on top of that she was cooking so she got flour on my dress." "Wow that bitch needs to slow her roll she can't just come up and touch people's sh*t!" Niki said. "Exactly this bitch has got me f*cked up." "Um GiGi I need to tell you something." "What is it?" Gigi asked. "So I was listening to Sandra's confessional and I overheard her talking about you..." "Well what did she say?" "She said that she thinks you have major trust issues and that your probably had a bad childhood and that you were probably abused. Plus she said you act hella ratchet and you smell like straight up sh*t."

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