BGCH 104 part 2: Burning Hot Tea Party

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*Symone's room* -Wednesday March 21- -11:34am-

Symone whispered: Hey Charm wake up. We gotta get ready for the tea party.

Charm: But no one else is awake!

Symone: Exactly and we aren't going to wake them up maybe they will be late to their tea party.

The two snuck down to the the garage and got their grocery bags for the tea party and put them in the trunk of the blue hummer.

Symone: Alright let's get ready and we will meet here at 12:30!

Symone was wearing: Floral Print Zip Bralet top, white back dip skirt, and white sandals. Hair: ringlet curls

Charm wearing: Camouflage Print Zip Bralet top, black back dip skirt, and black sandals. Hair: ring let curls.

-12:30- *Garage*

Symone: Alright let's go!

The girls got in the car and drove away.

-12:43- *Park*

Symone: Alright let's set up!

The two girls put a white table cloth over the park. They then set out 3 big tea pots, 3 different types of cookies and cupcakes and gift bags for the 20 something kids.

Charm: These little brats better vote positively!

-12:57- *The Park*

Niki: Oh sh*t Oh sh*t Oh sh*t Oh sh*t! We are so late!

Niki and Gigi started unloading the bags of Lipton tea out of the car.

Niki: Let's just put it on a table. Have you ever made tea?

Gigi: No!

Niki: Neither have I! UGHHH! Let's just stuff as many bags as we can in the tea pot as we can then fill it up with water.

Gigi: YEAH!

-1:17- *The park*

10 kids and their parents were standing at the only vacant table, obviously waiting for Mimi and Sandra.

Kid: Mommy let's go to there's!

The kid was pointing at Charm's tea party all the others looked. All the kids were playing a game of tug of war while the parents sat, drinking champagne and laughing an chatting.

Other kid: Yeah can we go!

After 5 minutes all the parents and kids decided to go to there's.

At Symone and Charm'a they had about 35 kids and at Niki's they had 20.

Symone: Alright kids and parents it's time for you guys to vote if you liked it or not! We will pass out pieces of paper and you write good or bad and place it in the box on the table. The parties going to end in 10 minutes I hope everyone had a good time!

*Niki's tea party*

Niki: Hey guys I hope you like the tea, I know it was very strong and we didn't have enough cookies but it was pretty good right? Please write good or bad on these slips of paper and put it in the box on the table. There's about ten minutes left of the party!

Mimi and Sandra pull up.

Mimi: Oh HELL NO! That bitch stole are kids!

Mimi jumped out the car carrying the burning hot tea pot with her. She walked up behind Symone who was at the front of the table, chatting with the parents.

Mimi: You stealing bitch!

Mimi scream as she threw the burning hot contents on Symone and the guests.


Symone and the parents were screaming in pain. Charm then ran up to Mimi and pushed her to the ground. Symone and Charm were pulling her hair and slapping her.

Symone: Ahh she bit me! Dumb bitch!

The parents grabbed the girls and pulled them away from eachother.

Symone: Let's go!

Her and Charm grabbed their stuff and got in the Hummer.

Charm: WOOHOO! All the votes were good!

*Niki and Gigi'a van.*

Gigi: Well we got 7 good votes.....

Niki: Ugh whatever!

-2:07- *Symone's room*

Symone: I want these bitches out of my house!!!

Symone Gigi charm and Niki made a plan to get Julian out.

-7:08pm- *Backyard*

Julian: It's so peaceful being out here by myself.

*Julian's room*

Symone and the 3 girls all grab the garbage bags and put all of Julian'a stuff in the bags. They hauled all if it to the front lawn. After that they ripped the bags open at strung the stuff everywhere. In the tress, in bushes, in the street, everywhere. They dumped out all her make up and perfume. Julian heard the girls giggling and got curious. She opened the gate leading to the front and saw her bright pink thong waving in the wind like a flag from a tree.

Julian: Oh. My. God. If they want me gone that bad ill leave but I'm not leaving easily. While they have their fun I'll have mine.

Julian went in the kitchen and grabbed Jelly ranch and ketchup. She pulled back Symone's cover and wrote Bitch in Ranch on the sheets. She then squirted the other condiments on her bed. She went to Gigi's room and sprayed all the clothes in her closet with the stuff and left. She then went to Niki's room. She pulled open her drawers and sprayed all of Niki's make up and weaves with the condiments. The last room was Charm's. She just spun around in circles spraying the whole entire room. One that was over she went to the front lawn and squirted Charm in the face and then threw the bottle in her face. She ran at Charm at punched her in the jaw as hard as she could. Charm was knocked to the ground. She repeatedly punched her in the face. Charm was knocked out cold. The men came an grabbed her and told the girls to go inside.

Symone: You're going home bitch! You're done! Good f*cking riddance you dumb broad!

The 3 girls strutted inside laughing. While the men carried Charm inside the house and laid her on the couch. Julian gathered as much of thee stuff as she could from the front lawn and put it in a pile. She sat on the door steps waiting on the shuttle until it finally arrived.

Julian: You know, I had a good time here but you know, everything has an end and I had a good time. I played hard and went out harder so you know I'm okay with it.

-9pm- *Kitchen*

Symone: Now for Mimi

Symone was talking to herself as she was preparing tea. She carried the pot upstairs to Mimi's room. It was dark and she silently managed to make it to her bed.

Symone: Hope you like Lavender Tea bitch!

She poured the steaming hot tea on Mimi.


Symone: Yeah bitch I hope it hurts! Cry!

Symone then walked out the room.

*Confession Room*

Mimi crying: That *sob* hurt *sob* so baad! *sob* Im not going to do anything because I know it was wrong to pour tea on her but it hurts. *Sobbing* ugh I'll get her back!

*Symone's room*

Symone: Wooow..

She began stripping the sheets off her bed and put them in the washing machine. She grabbed a blanket and pillow from the loft and went to sleep.

Symone woke up with a present at the end of her bed that said Present Of The Week, she opened it and found a new outfit. It was a Black Batman Kapow cartoon dress, studded spiked neon fuchsia loafer wedges and a neon pink spike bracelet.

Symone: So freaking cute!

Charm got the same outfit except the dress was white.

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