In Each Of Our Hearts

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Izuku's worried faced went to a happy smiled, AM started smoking and both you and Izuku knew what that meant, AM turned to Shigaraki and said, "You've been bested villains" Shigaraki got really mad, "Surrender we all want to get this over with quickly" AM said proudly.

"No, he bested me, he hasn't gotten weaker at all.. and look what he did to my Nomu.... he.. cheated..." Shigaraki said shocked.

The Mountain Zone

"Get your hands up, you don't want me to kill your friend here" a villain said holding up Kaminari, "Kaminari's helpless" Yaoyorozu said "Damn villain, he totally taught us with our pants down, I thought that electric blast would of fried them off, we're so stupid, how did we not see this coming?" Jiro said blaming themselves.

"Ah, I feel a little brotherhood with other electric types, so I don't want to kill him, but I will if you make me" the villain said activating his quirk, Jiro and Yaoyorozu stood straight with their hands up, "An electric type, he's probably the one Todoroki says was jamming our communications" Yoayorozu said.

The villain walked closer to Jiro and Yaoyorozu while still having his electrical hand close to Kaminari's face in case they decided to attack, "Don't move a muscle, let's take this nice and slow" he said.

Jiro smirked and said "You know you two dudes are so lucky, people with electric type quirks are destined for mainstream success" the villain stopped walking, "What are you doing" Yaoyorozu whispered.

"Even if you didn't want to be a hero, there are tons of jobs you can do in the city right? Your kind of quirk is in high demand" Jiro continued while moving her earphones slowly down to her boots, Yaoyorozu noticed what her plan was.

"So I'm wondering, why would you become a villain in the first place? You don't have to answer, I just thought it would be interesting to know" Jiro said, and with all the time she bought, she was so close to plugging the earphone into her boots but...

The villain placed his hand closer to Kaminari's face and said, "Nice try, you think you can distract me that easily? Big mistake sweetheart, I'm not some dumb thug who could be outsmarted by a couple of kids, you need to learn to take hostage situations seriously, so here's the new deal, either idiot is going to die, or you die, how about that"

 Jiro and Yoayorozu got very mad, "You can save either his life or your own, what's it gonna be girlies" the villain continued walking closer to them.

Back with AM

"Oh come on, what's going on here, he's just as strong as he's always been, damn it, don't tell me I was lied too" Shigaraki said sractching his neck, "What's wrong, not attacking me? Didn't you say you were going to clear this level earlier, well come and get me, if you dare" AM said trying to scare the villains off cause he was already out of time.

"Izu.." you said patting Izuku's shoulder softly, "Yeah, I know.." he said in a serious tune looking at the scene, Shigaraki backed away slowly looking a bit scared, "Man this is- intense" Bakugo said, "As I expected it, there's no reason for us to fight now, he'll handle this" Todoroki said, "Come on Y/n, Midoriya, we should regroup with the other guys, the last thing we want is to get taken hostage or get in his way" Kirishima said.

"C-coming" you said worried about AM, Izuku stood there not answering, "Izu?" you asked looking at him in concern, "What are you scared?" AM said, AM was trying his best to stay in his form but you and Izuku could he that he was struggling.

Shigaraki started scratching his neck again and mumbling to himself, "Tomoru Shigaraki, he's no threat, look at him, he's definitely weakened, Nomu's attacks were successful" Kurogiri said trying to calm him down.

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