Case 1-36

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And here we go again folks. Back all the way at the beginning of a new story. Welcome if you're coming from one of my other stories or if you're new to me completely. I'm very excited to start this story! Let's see how it goes!!

Third Person POV

Case: File 1-36 . Criminal Group "The Fourth Circle" .

Subject of interest: the leader . "The Man in yellow" - "Yellow" . real name ; Unknown .

Date: 6/10/2030 Reporting Officer: Dipper Pines

Details: File 1

"The Fourth Circle" is a new group to Gravity Falls, but the moment they popped up they caught everyone's attention.

The first known incident that could be tied to 4th Circle was the mall ransacking(4/26/2023 . 1:26am). Every store was torn into and emptied of anything that fit out the door, however no evidence of the group was left at the scene, no prints no tapes, every cam in the place was destroyed and each tape from security taken . Case Closed .

(10/05/23 . 1:30am) (10/15/23 1:14am) both single house hits, no one home but, like the mall, everything that could be taken of value was. No Prints and they passed every security measure the homes had inplace . Case Closed .

More cases like these followed for the next 6 years, no prints, no evidence. All cases closed. (see file 35 for more info on these cold cases.)

The 4th Circle gang wasn't known to us till the Wash St. case.

Wash St. : (8/22/26 1:00am) 5 houses down Wash St. were all hit at the same time. First time the gang hit somewhere with people, and left witnesses.

May Barker, Atom Barker, Mitsy Barker first house 7123 : May Barker made the 911 call-

"Hello, 911 what's your emergency?"

"Someone's in my house."

"What's your name Miss."

"May, May Barker. My husband went to get our daughter. But he's not back yet." "Oh god, her room is just down the hall he should be back."

"Miss there is a unit on the way but I want you to stay on the phone with me. Where are you in your house right now?"

In the background of the audio things start to slam and smash along with yelling and what sounds like jeering but none of what is said could be made out.

"May!" "Momma!"

"Atom! My husband's here!"

After this the phone is dropped.

"Miss? May? Atom? Are you still there? Please hold tight the unit is just a few minutes away"

There's a long pause of dead silences.

"The Barkers can't come to the phone right now... They're taking a little nap."

Followed by high shrill laughter of a woman.

That's where the Barkers call ends.

Three of the other families also called 911 and they're calls all went about the same way, except for the man's voice at the end of the call. He was the only one of the gang to say something to the 911 operator before hanging up. This is believed to be Yellow's voice.

The Barker family were still unconscious when police arrived 7 minutes later, the house emptied and once again no evidence found at the scene or on the family. The Barker's and the other 4 families were quickly rushed to the ER and didn't wake till the next morning.

Eyewitness testimony in file 5 . Open Case .

The 4th Circle laid pretty low from the Wash St. case in 2026 to 11/01/2029 DC Apartment Building Murders(file 10-13) : 23 apartments each ransacked and robbed, anyone who was home at 1:46am that night was brutally murdered . Autopsies for all 52 victims are in file 13 . This time, evidence was left. - Michael Reds had fought his attacker before being shot four times in the chest, the metical examiner found skin under his nails that was matched to a Jamisan Lacke. File 14 holds the Lacke information.

Details: File 2

Case Profile:

The Man in Yellow . Decided by Mr. Barker was a tall man in a large bright yellow overcoat, the way it was decided it could also have been a trench coat. It was too dark to get an accurate recall memory of Yellow's skin tone, but Barker remembered he was taller than him(Barker is 5'11 : Yellow is 6 foot or taller) thin in build, Barker also mentioned that Yellow has light blonde hair.

Yellow : most likely a man in his late 30's to early 40's. He did not grow up in Gravity Falls but he does live here now, however the field of the attacks is too wide to tell what area of the city.

Yellow psych profile : with the little info given . Yellow .

"He's good at socializing, from the physical description we know he's handsome, could probably talk himself in or out of a tough situation. Unlike other subjects he will not insert himself in the investigation, because he doesn't care. He doesn't think we'll have enough to convict him no matter what he does. He's a narcissist but very good at holding himself together, He'll just come off as cocky or a little too full of himself." Narcissist . It's also clear that he knows that he's a narcissist because of the name we believe he gave his gang "The Fourth Circle".

The Fourth Circle, might refer to the fourth circle of hell depicted in Dante's Inferno. The fourth circle is Greed, reserved for the money-grubbers and overly materialistic, it's said that those resigned to the 4th circle spend eternity fighting over money and valuables. - The Fourth Circle gang dealt mostly in high end thieves, money and valuables. Till the DC Apt's when materials weren't enough for their greed.


WEEE sooo? This is just the case but I actually had fun writing this out instead of starting with a POV. But don't worry, your favorite little nerd will join us in the next chapter. 

Case 36: Courter in YellowWhere stories live. Discover now