Second Building(33)

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Dipper POV

I stared down Leone who was only sort of glaring back.

"Dipper I know you have a relationship with him but you know if he fits the profile you have to prioritize your job here. Yellow has killed, he attacked this very building, he targeted you." He was messing with his hands, counting off points on his fingers, he always did this when nervous.

"Are you questioning if I know how to do my job?" I left like I was losing control of my reality, I couldn't wrap my head around how far this has all gone.

Bill is not Yellow.

"I'm not doing that at all and you know it. Come on Pines, you have to have seen it, Bill showing up in your life personally when you took this case, and Yellow calling you out instead of anyone else on your team." his tone sounded like he was trying to reason with me. Reason with me that the man I just started dating fucking yesterday, could be a mass murder.

"I just moved here. Is everyone I've talked to in the past weeks subjects now just because I made a face while reading a letter about me from a serial killer. Forgive me for not having a stone face, but you and my team are focused way too much on this and it could be a dead end. Am I the only one who wants to actually put the right man away?!" I threw my hands up, giving up on the amount of annoyance in my veins. "Please get out of my office, I don't care what you do, just find me something to put the right person behind bars on this." I sighed, deflating against my desk.

He looked worried, the drop between coworker and friend, "Dipper, I'm sorry this is unfolding like this, but we have to look into every lead. Bill fits the profile so far, we have to make sure without a doubt it's not him before writing it off. I'm sorry." With that last word he left.

I looked around the office, this room I have barely had the time to fully move into. My relationships have never been this center in anything, not even with Leo. I just need to breathe, I need something normal.

I dived into the files of Tad Strange, hoping that something comes up, maybe even something that clears Bill Ciphers name.

Bill POV

After Dipper left this morning I wanted nothing more than a cup of coffee. I had gone to the same place we had gotten lunch the first day together, sitting for a while in the back corner. I wouldn't tell him, but I might have put a small tracker on Dipper's car, which we left at the office last night and was still there.

My phone had been buzzing all morning, my employees sharing how their nights went or how they wanted to do more, the high of adrenaline still strong. This was already the hardest part of doing hits that big. Many of the people who work for me are adrenaline junkies and psychopaths who, when they get started, don't know how to stop. But keeping in frequent times between hits keeps us under the radar and ensures we will still have the freedom for more fun in the future. So they must wait, and they can not do anything unless I say so.

Pyronica- Should I go back?

She meant the police station.

Bill- No

Pyronica- I could, bloody myself up and go in, we need to know how they are recovering

An odd push from her, I wrinkled my nose at the message, she was questioning me and I do not like it.

Bill- Fond of the pigs now?

Pyronica- No sir, they are looking for me. It could cause a lot of trouble if I don't show up at all.

I downed the rest of my coffee, I could use the fun to waste some time before Dipper comes to collect on the promise he made me this morning.

Bill- Meet me at the second building. Now.

Case 36: Courter in YellowWhere stories live. Discover now