Ch. 1

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-Juuzou Suzuya

A large heap of blankets lay sprawled on the bed, occasionally moving up and down

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A large heap of blankets lay sprawled on the bed, occasionally moving up and down. A small snore escaped through the layers of cloth. A small scratching sound sound broke the silence, "Rin, wake up!" a voice rang through the room. A yawn followed soon after the voice "I'm up!" a voice groggily yelled back. The blankets shifted before revealing a mop of messy navy blue hair. Rin's body sat slouched, his blue eyes staring blankly at the wall. Blinking himself awake he began the day.

Pulling the tie up he glanced at the phone laying on the bedside table "F*ck,". Footsteps thundered on the ground, reaching the classroom door his body slouched. Heavy pants filled the air as Rin tried to catch his breath. Finally catching his breath he opened the classroom door, all eyes landed on him. " What are you looking at?" He glared at the class, everyone's eyes immediately turned back to minding their own business. Instinctively his body makes a beeline to his desk at the back of the class.


The bell rang and classes began. The day sped past with out any events and soon it was already after school. The door swung open and Rin stepped in his dorm quickly flopping onto his bed. A sigh escaped his lips. His eyes slowly began shutting and he soon fell into the land of dreams. "Rin!" a voice shouted "Wake up!". Rin's eyes fluttered open, slowly he sat up. " You slept through cram school," the voice scolded. Rin's eyes scanned the room before landing on a small cat. Rin squinted his eyes in a sorrowful attempt to see what was going on. Finally he rubbed his eyes as the dots began connecting, "Kuro?" his voice uncertain "You must have really been tired, huh?".

Rin's eyes readjusted to the light, slowly he stood up stretching his arms out a satisfying pop resounding through the room. Rin began walking towards the dinning hall, Kuro following in toe. " What time is it?" Rin question his brows furrowed together "Its," Kuro answered. A look of shock crossed his face " and you didn't wake me up?!" "You looked really tired when you came back, so I decided to let you sleep," Kuro explained his ears lowering. Rin ran a hand through his tangled hair, a sigh escaped his lips. Turning the corner he stepped in to the dinning hall. All eyes turned to him and chatter ceased. Rins head tilted slightly, "What are you guys doing here?" Rin asked his eyes scanning the room for his brother "Are you so stupid you can't listen in class?" a boy with a blonde Mohawk mocked."Just answer the question Bon," the boy revealed to be Bon rolled his eyes, "Why should I tell you?". Rins lips pulled into a scowl " Its your own fault for not listening." Bon's lips pulled into a smirk.

Rins scowl unconsciously grew, "Well, if you had half the brain you like to boast about you'd have noticed I wasn't in class today," that seemed to shut him up. "Rin, stop it." a voice warned behind Rin. Rolling his eyes Rin turned towards the voice "How am I in the wrong, four-eyes," Rin said walking into the kitchen. The cool breeze hit Rin's face, his eyes scanned the fridge before grabbing an apple. "So, can someone answer me what are you guys doing here?" Rin asked once again in between bites. "Headmaster Pheles asked us to meet him here," Yukio answered pushing up his glasses. Rin turned to face Bon "Was that hard now," Rin mocked. "Now, now Rin, be nice." A voice rang through the room. "Tch," Rin folded his arms, all of a sudden a puff of pink smoke filled the room. The smoke settled only to reveal Mephisto Pheles, a smile plastered on his face. "Now, you might be wondering as to why I called you here," Mephisto began putting his hands behind his back. "We are having a ..." Mephisto paused, his eyes traveling around the room "Sleepover!" he finished his eyes locked on Rins a gleam of mischief evident.



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