Peaceful night

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(The idea was from GothGoodie my child unu mixed in with my own little idea of it-)

No one P.O.V

It was quiet outside, the moon was shining like it always did, the stars lit up the night sky and many living creatures slept peacefully in their homes.

However there was one figure who sat in the middle of a field ontop of a hill, Staring at the night sky in silence.

Their hair glowed in the darkness of the night, Their hair was entirely made of flames after all so it was no surprise anyone that it glowed so brightly.

The figure seemed to be in deep thought, their arms in their lap and their legs crossed. Their mind wasn't even focused on reality, merely spacing out into their thoughts.

They were in such deep thought that they didn't notice the figure walking behind them, nor did they notice when the figure sat down right by their side.

"Lewis? What are you doing out here?" That got their attention finally, bringing them back out of their own mind and onto reality once more.

Their voice was soft though it did crack for a moment, and Lewis could tell the owner of the voice was very weary and most likely mentally exhausted. If not physically and emotionally exhausted as well.

The poltergeist would face them silently for a moment, the glowing purple pupils in their sockets along with their hair, illuminating the other's face. For a moment they stared into his eyes, Seeing how tired the other was, but they also seemed quite sad and Lewis had a hunch as too why.

However instead of saying anything about the emotional pain and conflict they saw in the other's eyes they merely looked up at the sky once more.

"Enjoying the view....why don't you stay and join me..?" The invitation wasn't really needed to be said, As arthur could hear and see how relaxed and calm Lewis was right now and that he probably wouldn't have minded if he stayed anway.

But the poltergeist had his reasons for this, for starters..he knew how insecure arthur was about things.

But he also knew that the voice in Arthur's head would convince arthur....that he was... an annoyance..

He didn't want Arthur listening to that voice more then he already was, Especially since what the voice would say to him wasn't true.

Maybe back when he was still hellbent on getting his revenge he would've considered arthur annoying. But he wasn't anymore and his head was clearer then it was at that of course he no longer thought this.

Arthur would stare at lewis for a moment before looking at the sky, a soft murmur of "thank you" escaping his lips into the calm silence.

Neither of the two cared to notice how much time was passing, merely relaxed and at peace.

They both just enjoyed the serenity of this place and both stayed silent about any thoughts that ran through their minds other then ones of peace.

Eventually..Lewis found himself staring at the mechanic, Studying the other silently. The mechanic seemed to have gotten slightly thinner, which did bring a pang of worry to Lewis but he pushed on, continuing his study.

Arthur's hair Was still as bright and oddly colored as he remembered it, and still just as spiky which almost got a hearty laugh out of the poltergeist.

His eyes were still a hazel brown and that brought a form of joy and relief to Lewis, thankful that there wasn't any green or black in the mechanic's wonderful eyes.


Did he really think that about them just now?

The thought brought a light blush to his skeletal face, And he turned his skull just slightly so Arthur would be unable to see the blush that lit up his bones.

Maybe they were great to Lewis..what about it..

When Lewis's blush calmed down he noticed a form leaned on his shoulder and turned, a soft "aww.." escaping him as he saw Arthur had fallen asleep, His head leaned comfortably on his shoulder.

Lewis did suppose he should sleep as well, but it wasn't really necessary for him since he well...died...but he still had the option should he want too.

After a while of deciding Lewis would pull Arthur into his lap, wrapping his arms around him protectively and letting an invisible smile crease his face as he watched Arthur snuggle into his chest comfortably, Soft snores leaving the mechanic.

Lewis watches him and the night sky for a moment before laying down and closing his eyes sockets as he fell into a peaceful state of sleep.

And for once...Arthur didn't have any nightmares..

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