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43 18 3

August 1st,2022

*It was 10:51am, Lani and Eleana were walking around the college campus*

Lani: Omg but I really hate him I'm so ready to BREAK UP WITH HIM

Eleana: Well damn girl I didn't know it was that bad

Lani: Yes, it's bad jeez I can't deal with it anymore... but enough talk about me how about you and Marcus.

Eleana: *looks at Lani* now girl you know damn well I been broken up with him 8 months ago.

Lani: Damn I must have forgot... anyways girl it'll see you later I have to go to debate class but are you free next period?

Eleana: Of course, I am, but I'll see you later.

Lani:  Mhm love you and don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Eleana: Mhm love you too.

Eleana: (Soo I need something to do while i wait for this girl I think i kno-)

???: Hello Miss. Eleana Jones

Eleana: Umm... hello and who are you?

???:  Oh, excuse me how impolite of me I am Mr. Jack Stewart

Eleana: Umm and what do you need from me?

Jack: See Mr. Meluis sent me to figure out where Marcus is...

Eleana:(why is he asking me about Marcus) Umm Jack me and Marcus broke up about 8 months ago, I don't know where he is ......

"Hopefully you guys liked this one :)"

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