Chapter Thirty-Seven|You do...

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It's been over two months of me living with Jason, we've had our great days which are filled with sex, laughter and bonding and we've had our worst days which are also filled with sex, sometimes separate bedrooms and my guilt keeps eating me from the inside.

Jason has been busier than ever, mostly with his side shady business that had to be the one that led to our most recent fight. Jack might have purposely let it slip one night when he was at dinner with us at home and I played it off until he left, and when he did we went crazy.

That was just this weekend, we haven't spoken to each other since then. I moved to the guest bedroom, I actually wanted to go back to my apartment but somehow this man, Jason, managed to convince me that I didn't need it anymore and I moved

I haven't been talking to Ora as much as I used to, I barely say a word to my father even when he drops by to 'check' if everything is going well, his wife is just as annoying and I'm glad she's out there spending his money rather than being around me.

I feel so distant from everyone, and I can't say I have anyone else to blame other than myself, the guilt consumes me on a daily basis but then I remind myself that I'm doing this because I love them but I love him too.

Walking into his office which is downstairs, I lean against the door and stare at Jason as he furiously types away on his laptop, he has a deep frown etched on his facial features and it's been there since Friday night. I wait for him to notice me but he probably will ignore me since it's what he's been doing.

"You look stressed," I said walking slowly to his desk and he clenched his jaw, closing his eyes before opening them.

"I don't want to fight with you, Amelia," he said calmly, still staring at the screen in front of him and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm not in the mood either," I whispered, pushing his books aside to make space for me to sit on his desk. "I just want to talk."

"Lately that leads to a fight," he said leaning back on his chair and I stared at him with my eyebrows raised. "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. I haven't been the best companion lately," I said, playing with my nails feeling embarrassed to look him in the eye.

He moved forward and laced his fingers with mine bringing them to his lips.

"Neither have I," he said against our laced fingers and pushed back his chair suggesting for me to sit on his lap. "I've been a dick to you."

"Yes, you have," I agreed nodding my head and he chuckled, pressing his lips against my forehead. "I miss you, JJ," I whisper, feeling the tears threaten to pour out of my eyelids and he wraps his arms around my body in a tight embrace. "I don't like fighting with you, it hurts a lot," I cry out into his chest gripping onto his chest for some sort of assurance?

"I don't like fighting with you either, baby," he whispered on top of my head, rocking us to the side. "I don't like it when we act like strangers and when our pride gets the best of us and we just hurt each other for no reason," he said and I couldn't agree more.

We always find a way to say hurtful things to each other when we're mad at each other and I might have probably keyed his car in anger, I got it fixed though because that was totally irrational but we both lash out, sometimes others in a more violent that isn't the point! The point is, we're fucking idiots that have a neck for hurting each other.

"We're both dicks," I mumbled against his chest and he chuckled, rubbing my back soothingly. "And I'm sorry about burning your favourite suit," I apologized looking up at him and he grinned pecking my lips.

"I have more, but I never thought you would do stuff like you did the past weekend," he said amused and I winced thinking about all the things I did out of anger.

"You do that to me," I said against his lips and he deepened the kiss.

"You do so much worse to me," he whispered and I giggled, pressing a soft kiss on his nose.

Getting off his lap I stood up and opened my arms, I needed a proper hug. He got up too and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me flush against him.

"I'm so glad we sorted that out," I said, playing with the ends of his hair. "But I'm still not happy about what you're doing," I said and I felt him tense and I carried on talking before he could continue. "But I trust you know what you're doing, and I just hope you get out before you get caught up in it deeply."

"I hear you," he said and I slowly unwrapped my arms from his neck pulling away and smiling at him. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, we have to attend Barreau's function tonight," he said and I glared at him. "I'm sorry, we weren't talking and I figured I'd go alone."

"Is it? That's still no excuse for you not to tell me such important details. Where in the fucking world am I going to get the fucking to prepare for a fucking event that's about to start in about five fucking hours!" I yelled, throwing my hands up and he winced at every word I emphasized.

"I'm sorry? I really didn't think you'd come because you've been so angry at me."

"I'm just playing, I have everything handled. I already was coming, was just waiting for you to invite me," I said laughing and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Why do you always have to do that to me!" he asked picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, I laughed screaming for him to put me down but instead he ignored me and trailed up the stairs smacking my butt at every fifth step which ended up being three smacks, not bad but my butt burns.

"I'm getting dizzy down here, Jason!" I screamed when he took the long way around to our bedroom. Finally, he put me down and pressed his lips against my forehead. "I think I'm gonna barf," I gagged before swallowing in air and frowning at him.

"I'm sorry?" he said innocently and I pushed him away to vomit in the toilet.

"I hate you so much," I groaned into the toilet spilling out the contents, and luckily my hair was short and tied into a small ponytail at the back of my head so no vomit got on it.

"I didn't know you were feeling sick, I'm sorry. Will you still be able to come tonight?" he asked, rubbing my shoulder comfortingly and I nodded, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"You bet I will now leave so I can get ready," I said, flushing the toilet and walking over to brush my teeth. He still stood in the bathroom watching me and I rolled my eyes rinsing my mouth...eew bitter. "I'm fine, I promise."

"Okay," he responded, pressing his lips on my cheek. "Don't take too long."

"I never do."

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