Chapter Fifty-one| You'll Never Know.

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I sat with Ora in the kitchen as she made us tea while I was cradling her cute baby in my arms. I had just filled her in on what happened with Rosie yesterday and it was safe to say she was fuming just like that kettle was.

"I told you she was crazy, Amelia but you always want to see the good in people," she said and I sighed, rolling my eyes before giving my sweet Bella my finger, which she clutched and my heart melted all over again.

"Maybe she just really wanted it?" I said suggestively but I totally agreed with Ora, I never wanted to come to a conclusion about a person before I really got to know them.

"Sweetie, she's working as his PA now, her hair looks like yours and she is wearing your clothes!" she snapped her fingers at me and I giggled.

"He doesn't even notice her," I said and she groaned, rubbing her hand through her hair. "I don't even know why you're so worked up about it more than I am," I said and she gave me a few looks.

"Because you're taking this so lightly. You and Jason have been through a lot together! So much that I've been through it too, don't you think you guys deserve a break from all the drama and a chance to just really be happy with each other officially?"

That really did sound nice, and it would be nice to just get away with Jason for some time and enjoy each other's company, but what did she mean officially?

"I hear ya," I said and she sighed in relief taking a sip of her chamomile tea. "He's going to drop by a bit later to see Bella, that's okay right?"

"Of course, maybe she will wake him up," she said grinning and I shook my head at her.

"We aren't ready for what you're trying to suggest," I said and she bit her lip, cocking her head to the side.

"We or he isn't ready?" She challenged me and I sighed.

"Not going to have this conversation with you, Ora, no ways," I laughed, getting up with Bella still in my arms and carrying her to her portable crib and laying her on it. She pouted and blinked her bright blue eyes at me before closing them again. She always melted my heart.

"Where do you keep your jar of pickles?" I asked as soon as I entered the kitchen and found her washing our mugs, did this girl throw out my tea?

"Pickles? Why?" she asked, confused and I opened her fridge and immediately found what I was looking for.

"I want to eat them," I shrugged as I opened the jar and pulled out a pickle and bit into it savouring the sweet and sour taste before shaking my ass a little because of the excitement. "These are heaven!" I mumbled pointing them at a disgusted Ora.

"How can you eat those things alone?"

"They taste better that way, do you have olives too?" I asked sitting on the counter and she crossed her arms over her chest.

"No, you're getting that test," she said and I stared at her. Not the test talk again, groaning. I got off the counter and walked away to where Bella was. "Amelia, you're literally showing the symptoms of a pregnant woman, look at your thighs and ass literally ready to burst out of those jeans, have you watched the way you eat lately? Don't get me started on how quickly your mood changes these days, your bathroom trips!" she said and I turned around rapidly pointing my pickle to her face.

"Are you calling me fat?" I asked offended and she laughed, shaking her head.

"No, I'm calling you pregnant," she said and I mumbled a few words under my breath as she continued to smile and shrug her shoulders. "You're getting that test or I'm dragging you to the doctor's place tomorrow," she said with finality and she sounded so much like a mom.

"Yes, mother," I huffed while sitting down on her couch. That was the end of that conversation and I was happy. Chris came back a few hours later from work and it was nice to see him interact with Bella. It was super cute and I almost burst out crying. But that was before Jason finally arrived and I was happy once again.

Welcoming him into their house, we had dinner and Ora fed Bella in a different room. She came back down alone and I knew Bella was asleep, all the baby did was sleep, eat, and shit. I miss the days.

"Come, let me show you Bella's gift from us," Jason said excitedly after looking down at his phone, I had decided to try faith and have him get a gift from the both of us.

He led us outside the house, and there in the driveway sat a car, not just any car but it was a 2021 Audi e-Tron Sportback SUV. I stared at it in shock, I mean it was a beautiful car from one of my favourite brands but...

"You bought a week old baby a car?" I whispered looking at Jason and he excitedly nodded looking at me and then back at the car. "Baby, do you have a fetish for buying people cars as gifts?" I asked and he blinked his eyes confused, making me laugh. I shook my head and kissed his cheek.

"Jason, this is a car buddy," Chris said but I didn't miss his excitement as he opened the driver's door and looked inside. "Holy shit!"

"I thought Bella should travel in style and class, and it's a safe car," Jason said scratching the back of his neck and I wrapped my arm around his waist hugging him for his cute effort.

"Well I think it's an amazing gift, don't you think so Ora?" Ora was still looking at the car in shock, and once I called her name again she brought her hands up to her mouth and nodded, blinking away the tears.

"Thank you," she whispered looking at Jason and he nodded, smiling back.

"Let's go back inside," I whispered to him and we left the couple as they gawked and touched the car. "You must really like cars," I said once we entered the house and he chuckled and shrugged.

"If you want another one, you could always just say and I'll buy you it," he said and I quickly shook my head.

"No thank you, I love the one you got for me," I said, pushing his hair out of his face. "Better," I whispered and he kissed me, Bella chose that moment to start crying and I pulled away from the kiss. "I'll go get her."

I ran upstairs to her room and picked her up from her crib, placing her in my arms. I softly bobbed her up and down walking downstairs to get her mother. Jason was still standing at the end of the stairs watching me and I smiled as I stood in front of him.

"Can you hold her for a second while I get her mom?" I said softly and his eyes widened, but he still took Bella from me. "Support her neck, baby," I said and he did just that, he looked uncomfortable but soon he got the hang of it.

I quickly dashed outside and called for Aurora to come get Arabella. We walked into the house together and left Chris still in the car playing around with it. I knew he was used to such cars after working for dad but seeing his excitement was all new for me.

"Wow, you're a professional at this aren't you?" Ora complimented Jason as he handed her her baby. He chuckled and pushed his fingers through his hair.

"I was scared I was going to drop her," he admitted and she laughed slowly walking upstairs.

"I think that happens to everybody, how will you be like when you and Amelia finally have one?" she teased and I rolled my eyes at her, that wasn't necessary.

"I don't think that will be happening any time soon," he said confidently and she smiled at him shrugging.

"You'll never know."

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