Cardiac Chronicles 🤤

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I peered out my window to see a giant foot in the place of my usual breakfast stop, this is going to be an interesting day. Now I wonder...Could that possibly be THE foot? The foot from my childhood dreams? It couldn't be... could it? The sexy toe hairs called to me as i made my way over to it. The malicious toe fungus begging me to caress it... All the sudden I heard a whoosh of wind, I was back in my 8 year old self. There I was, sleeping peacefully in my bed. my dreams were lovely and filled with all of the joy of a young girl...until IT appeared. The foot approached me and i could smell it's sweet stench. "i ain't never seen two pretty best friends" it said suggestively. I woke up in a cold sweat, that musty, hairy foot was going to be the death of me. My flashback ends and I look out my window once again to see that nasty foot. Unfortunately, I've remembered who it belongs to... Light Yagami stan's above me. His eyes staring into my soul. I reach out to touch his magnificent feet and as my slender fingers brush against his rough calloused toes a strange sound erupted out of Lights mouth... "Baka" he roared. It was like staring into the mighty eyes of god. All of the sudden, I saw another musty foot approach from the ruins of the city, this one was paler and covered in dirt. No, it couldn't be... L? I look up to see L towering over the town, his greasy skin gleaming with the rising sun. He reels his head back and squeals with anger, his eyes flashing. His name fell from my lips as he looked down on me. Before anything else could happen, light attacked. I saw the rubbery looking chewed up thumb of L block Light's punch and his dirty foot strike Light in the right smack dab in the carotid artery. Light was wincing with pain as I saw him struggle to pull something out of his jacket. It was a small ripped piece of lined paper...
"NO" screamed L, as he bit the paper out of his hand and swallowed it with gusto. Light shrieked with disgust and violently shook the slobber off of his hand. I stood there in shock not being able to comprehend the level of intensity that was unfolding in front of me. L's scrumptious slobber was running down his chin as he brought his knee up and made contact with Lights sEnSiTiVe MeMbEr. Light cried in pain as he formed a fetal position on the ground. L looked triumphant, but suddenly Light started cackling manically. L's soft, eyebrowless face had dropped, something had gone wrong. L turned around, and another foot approached, but this one was...goth? I looked up to see none other than Misa herself, death note in hand. L held his chest tightly and dropped to the cold pavement. He realized that he was passing away of cardiac arrest and said his last words, "I always knew you had a thing for me, Light." Misa shook in fear and the notebook fell, in it I saw the Japenese characters for L's name...lights lip started quivering, a tear pooling in his eye. "I thought this was what I wanted L, but now I realize your love was all I really wanted. What a fool I am."  Light got on his hands and knees and started thrashing about, sobbing in sad spurts. Misa looked at him in disgust, then she realized that he was just mourning the loss of his grimy true love. In order to put her and Light out of their misery, she looked at the Shinigami Ryuk who had just showed up to witness the fight and handed him the death note. He looked at it with sorrow, but quickly understood that it was the right thing to do. I realized the mood was definitely not very fun, and I thought of a good way to lighten it up. I pull out my iPod and, turning up the speakers, start to play party rock anthem by Alvin and the chipmunks. The sweet high pitched voices of the chipmunks were singing as I watched Misa and Light have their final moments. Ryuk shed a tear and spoke,"Where am I going to get my apples now."

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