Chapter 1

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Holoska, known to be a rather small country, held one of the most notable prison complexes known to Mobius. For many years, this location had been a holding place for some of the most notorious and cunning criminals in the world, an inescapable nightmare to any professional thief. Such a place seemed as if nothing or no one could ever bring it down.
Henry Stickmin was the one to have proven such an assumption wrong. With the help of his fellow inmate, Ellie Rose, he busted out of the complex, giving freedom to most of the other inmates as well.
Time had passed since their escape. With a sleeping Henry hugging on her, Ellie was driving the motorcycle through a light snowstorm.

"Jeez..." the red-headed outlaw thought to herself, as she momentarily averted her gaze from the empty road to look at the hedgehog, "How does he manage to stay asleep in this weather?"

Almost as if Henry was listening to Ellie's internal thoughts, he began to slowly and silently wake up, gently rubbing his eyes as he looked around.. ah yes. They were still on the road. Ellie felt his movements and chuckled a bit, beginning conversation once again, but this time keeping her eyes on the road.

"Well good morning, sleeping beauty!" She teased playfully, "Sleep well?"

Henry tapped lightly on her back, 'y-e-s'.

"Guess you don't speak much, huh? Anyway.. you have any idea where we gotta go from here?" Ellie most certainly did not want to be driving all night. She was certain they had lost any guardsmen who had been chasing them.

More tapping could be felt on the Fox's back from Henry, 's-t-o-p' there was absolutely no way he would be able to explain things through Morse code. All he could do was hope that she even knew sign language... Gaia knew that not many people know off the top of their head.


Just as suspected. His new partner-in-crime did not know sign language.

"...what?" She would ask.

'I have a friend who works in the government who can help.' Henry would sign.

"...I don't get it. Did you stop me just to cast spells??"

'no. Do you not-' he didn't even finish there. He figured this would only go on forever if he kept trying to get through to her via sign language. So, instead he put a finger up, as if to ask her to hold on a moment.
Henry reached from behind his back and pulled out a headset. Ellie gave a surprised look as he put the headset on, tapping gently on the microphone.

After each set of taps, a lightly pitched voice could be heard responding.

"Captured by Wall Wardens?"

Tap tappity

"Need a pick-up?"

Tap tap

"Alright, I'll see what I can do. Hang in there, Henry."

A smile formed on the hedgehog's muzzle as he looked at a cross-armed Ellie, pulling out a notepad and writing on it "Someone is coming to pick us up."
Ellie continued giving the same look as she read his message.

"Sweet.. but how- where did you get that from?? "

Henry wrote one more thing for Ellie, as he smiled like a goofball. "Magic."


The Sonicverse Stickmin Collection- We Are Triple ThreatWhere stories live. Discover now