CH:1 The crash, and meeting him

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Kiri pov
My friends and i got on the plane we were all nervous at the fact we have to fly Into the Devil's triangle. Our small party consisted of me, denki, sero, and shoto. We got in the small red plane i could hear the lightning as we started to take off our lugage was in the back all piled together and strapped down but its the best we can do. I put in my earphones and put my playlist on shuffle, it started with counting stars. I leaned agensed the window silently praying we don't go missing like everything that goes into the triangle. ..............................yep were doomed. We fly for about 20 minutes into the triangle before the plane starts to shake slightly then we start to plumet. i grab on to something as well as everyone else exept for sero who goes to check on the pilot. "THE PILOT'S GONE!!" He screams from the pilot's little control room thing. "WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!" and things like "WERE DOOMED!" are screamed out from everyone im just plain screaming and sero is trying to fly the plane but failing misrably, all the while counting stars by OneRepublic is shouting in my ear. I can tell were not even going nose-down were spinning while still going forward so were still on track were just spinning out of control. I glance out the plane window and i see the pilot hanging on to the wing of the plane hanging for dear life. I can just barely make out his navy blue suit and terrafyed face through the dark night sky accompanyed by grey clouds.

The poor guy is soaked from all the rain, i think he is screaming but so would i in that situation. "I FOUND THE PILOT HE'S ON THE WING!" i yelled and sero called back, "OH THATS WHY THE WINDOW IS BROKEN!" i don't know if that was sarcastic orhe was genully surprised i could'nt see his face. I look back out my window and the pilot sees me now he looks at me than- CRASH! BOOM! lightning struck the plane and in that flsh the pilot was gone, fell off i presume. The lights went haywire and then the luggage got loose and flew everywhere. one came right twards me than...nothing no light no sound just nothing.

?////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////The next day.....
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////I woke up to the plesent calming sound of birds chirping and a nice cloudless blue sky. there were a few trees i could hear the sounds of water flowing in the distance not to far from where i am. 'wait....where am i?!' i sat up so fast it hert my back a little, just then the passed events from...yesterday? or ever long it was, i look behind me and i see my plane submerged in vegatation i cant even see the back end of it.

how ever long it was, i look behind me and i see my plane submerged in vegatation i cant even see the back end of it

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(this but red and no symbols.)


y friends strewn about near it along with some of our luggage. that and i see a bunch of tribal looking people putting my friends into this makeshift cage totoroki is in there with a couple of suitcases and sero kami about to be thrown in. "HEY! GET AWAY FROM THEM!" i yell and get up they look over at me two of them advanceing with spears i get up to run but im grabbed from behind by two or three of them. i struggle and struggle doing everything i can to make them let me go but at last no advail instead im thrown into the cage with the others the door slams shut. they pick up the cage and start walking now all but kami is awake and sero is trying to wake him. one of them scurrys up to the one in front of the cage the only one up front not holding it. He had green hair, green eyes, and freckles to put it simply. He didn't intrest me his conversation did. "what are we to do with them?." he whispered the one next to him had blue hair, blue eyes, and what apear to be glasses agein didn't intrest me. "we take them to the cheif." he awnsered simply. "but the cheif and his wife are away at another island for a month to talk with the counsil!" he whispered back little louder but i don't think he ment to. "what why was i not informed?!" the blue haired one whisper yelled. "you were out gathering when they left." the brocli head replyed. glasses sighed than said," fine we take them to the acting cheif." we walk a little farther none of us makeing a sound whitch is kinda rare. finally we came to a clearing there were houses all bild in a circle we stopped in front of the biggest one it was a bit out of the house circle but there all the same.

We were sat down than glasses turned to us, "whitch one of you is the leader?" he asked firm. kami and sero pointed to the one closest to totoroki just kinda sat there than pointed as well, most likely thinking i was the most likely to get us out of this situation. glasses noded, opened the cage and shoved me out of it closeing it behind him. "watch them." he said before takeing me into the big house. it was a little dark in here and a bit humid. suddenly glasses bowed that stood up straight and spoke. " we found outsiders on the north-west part of the island i have brought there leader for you to question my cheif-ton." "leave us iida." a voice suddenly said. the gard 'iida' left and closed the door. (forgot to mention that kiri's wrists are tied along with is ankles by vines. like how you see chains all conected.) a figure stepped into the light. He had spikey blond hair, ruby red eyes, a musslely but petete bild. he had on red war paint under his eyes kinda like a sharp tooth shape. he had grey pants (sorta) a grey arm band, a tooth neaklace whitch had giant teeth on it dont even want to know what those were from, white earings, and lastly a fur pelt that was being used for a hat it had two red horns on eatch side and it had a red and white symbol right on the top. HE interested me. "who are you and what do you and your companions want?" he asked.
i gulped.
'Oh shit he's hot!'

'But if we were in a relashionship i would top.'

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