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Bakugou's POV

I walked home from school at fast pace, Kirishima was gonna meet me at my house and the other three were on the way also, I hope. I got to my house and went to the basement and found Kirishima walked through the basement door, "Hey" he said "Sup" I said as I sat in one of the chair we had downstairs, Kiri sat at his drum set and we waited for the other three.

"Where the hell are they?" I say irritated, practice was supposed to be 30 minutes ago and we were still waiting for Jirou, Denki, and Shinsou. Kiri tried calling and texting them, but nothing. I just decided to just start without them, so I grabbed my bass guitar and started playing and Kiri started playing the drums.

After about like an hour me and Kiri grew tired and stopped and we started putting everything away and the other three came in "Where were you guys?" I asked irritated and tired "Yeah, sorry. We went somewhere after school and got side tracked" Jirou said sitting in a chair. "Whatever, don't worry about it today. Just go home" I said.

"Yeah, we just finished up and are tired" Kiri said getting up to leave, "I'll see y'all tomorrow" He said as he left, Shinsou following behind. Jirou and Denki said bye and left too. I went upstairs and took a short nap, so I could have enough energy for homework.

I woke up to silence, my mother wasn't home and my father had been gone for awhile now. 'Mom must've gone on her business trip' I thought getting up and sitting at my desk to do my work. I finished my work after an hour and went out for a walk, it was dark but to me that's the best time to go for a walk.

I was walking on the sidewalk when I seen a boy about my age sitting down against a fence puking, he had a bottle of something sitting next to him. The boy looked tired and you could tell he was drunk and maybe a little high. "Are you ok" I asked, no response so I asked again, still no response.

I noticed a wire coming from his pocket up to his wild green hair 'must have headphones in' I thought, so I tapped his shoulder and that got his attention "what?" He said coldly, "I was just asking if you were ok, you definitely don't look it" I said sitting next to him, I'm fine, I just need to get home" he said trying to get up, "your in no shape to get up, let me take you home" I said getting up to help him.

I held my hand out to help and he accepted and he told me here he lived, we walked in silence til we got to his house "Aren't your parents worried about you?" I asked concerned, "No..my mothers dead and my father hasn't been around my entire life..." he said, I stayed quiet and we walked into his house and walked to his room.

Once to his room, he opened the door and drew himself on his bed and fell asleep. I walked out of his room and house and went home and went to bed.

Deku's POV

Getting high wasn't enough, I needed something more so maybe I'd forget things, things I didn't wanna remember..I waited for the streets to be clear of students or classmates before I left to buy alcohol. I had a bad day and I just wanted to get drunk enough to forget everything, buying alcohol was easy seeing as I was friends with the guy who worked at the alcohol place (idk what it's called-) I still payed, just because it was the right thing to do.

I'm not a bad kid, I know right from wrong, I'm not bad at school I'm pretty smart and get my work done faster than anyone else but I also I have a job to get to.

I shouldn't drunk or get high the nights I work but I don't care tonight..I just wanted a break from reality, and if getting drunk and high was the answer then so be it. I had a long and bad day, I was late for school and then late for work so I got cussed out for that.

I went to the store and bought Vodka, seeing as that was the only thing I seemed to keep down, sometimes. I was one the way home drinking and I started puking, I sat down til I was down and continued til I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I looked up and seen a ash blonde boy, about the same age as me. He ask me if I was ok and sat next to me before I decided to go home, but I was stopped by the boy next to me. He got up and helped me up and walked me home, I only remember going to my room before everything went dark.

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