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    Deku's POV

           I walked for about an hour before walking back home, I watched the sky go from blue to pink and orange as the sun began to set. Once I made it home, I was greeted by Bakugou sitting on the porch. I walk up the pathway and sit next to Bakugou on the steps "Hi" I say getting comfortable next to him "Hey, sorry about earlier" He says.

     "Its ok, it was just a lot for a person when they wake up, you know?" I say, he nods and we say nothing else. We sat in silence, watching as the sky went from pink and orange to black with specks in the sky. 

    The only sound hear was the muffled music playing inside the house and the crickets chirping outside. The sky becomes darker, the crickets become louder, and the air becomes colder, and I'm pulled from my thoughts when I feel a kiss on my cheek "Dinner should be ready soon, you ready to go inside?" Bakugou asks and I nod.

    We stand, go inside and once the door is closed and locked behind us, I look around the house; the once messy house is now spotless. I watch as Kiri dances around the kitchen pulling dishes out of the cabinets and placing them on the table; the music is at a peaceful volume, not too loud but not too low.  

    Denki and Shinsou lay on the couch, Denki laying comfortably on top of Shinsou with his arms wrapped around him. "Dinner should be done very soon guys, maybe five or ten more minutes" Kirishima says, pulling cups out of the cabinets and placing them beside the plates; Bakugou and I nod, and walk though the kitchen and living; to my room.

    Once in my room, I belly flop on to my cold yet warm bed; I hear the door shut and Bakugou chuckle, but he doesn't come over to the bed. I sit up and see him staring at me again "What?" I ask but I'm not met with a response, I sit up straighter "What Bakugou?" I ask again; but instead of an answer, I'm met with him walking over to me, lifting my chin and kissing me roughly but with passion.

    I kiss back without hesitation and the kiss becomes more heated, Bakugou's hands slips under my shirt; pulling me closer and my hands find their way tangled in his blonde spiky hair. Soon my shirt was off and his hands had roamed and touched every inch of my skin, his lips moved from my lips and down to my jaw, neck and soon my chest where he kissed every inch of skin he could. 

His mouth made its way back up my body and to my lips where our tongues danced for what felt like hours.

   Bakugou gently pushes me down on my bed and hover over me, kissing my body once again; and my hands untangle from his hair and make their way down his body. I pull his shirt off as he did me, and kiss every inch of him, starting with his lips, then his jaw, down his neck and chest then back up to his lips. The touching and kissing continues, and soon the innocent kissing turns into a very heated almost way more make out session.

     The once cold and quiet room becomes warm and filled with light moans and groans as we make out for what has felt like forever. My hands make their way down to his jeans, I unbotton them and go to pull them down when a knock on my door interrupts us.

   "Hey! Oh shit sorry!" Denki yells, opening then very quickly closing the door "Diners ready!" He yells through the door; Bakugou and I jump to find our discarded shirts and Bakugou botton his jeans.  

    Bakugou and I laugh as we fix our clothes and prepare to walk into the room of stares and possible questions, we kiss one more time and walk out of the bedroom and into the living room, where Denki sits mortifed; while Shinsou and Kirishima stand laughing in the kitchen. I chuckle and continue into the kitchen "Come on Denki, Its fine. You couldn't have seen much" Bakugou says following me.

    The four of us sit at the table and Denki finally joined us, but sat in silence keeping his head down "Denki, its fine. It's our fault, we didn't lock the door" I say, Denki looks up at me and smiles, followed by a laugh "I didn't mean to just walk in, I really didn't mean to interrupt" he explains, but I shake my head and laugh "You're fine Denki, it was an accident" I laugh and the conversations moves on. 

   We talked about anything we though of, we sat for at least two hours just laughing and talking; its one of the best parts about having roommates, at least for me.

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