Little things (Niall Horan fan fic)

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This is in the narrator's P.O.V I think third person. I might have Darcy's P.O.V and Layla's not sure yet. The only reason they can go by themselves is because they are seventeen (17) and their parents really don't give a crap. And for those who do not know "little things" is on of One Directions songs and my favorite. Enjoy! :{D

It's hard being Niall Horan. It's also hard being Darcy. Niall has no time for anything or anyone and Darcy is picked on constantly. Who names their kid Darcy? It's 2012! When Darcy heard of One Direction she immediately despised them. The only one that was possibly cute was Harry. Liam was stupid, Louis was weird, Niall looked stupid when he smiled, Harry sounds drunk and tired when he talks. Zayn tries to be the bad boy but fails. Why does she hate them so much? Because people like them, that's why.

Darcy's bestfriend, Layla, got two tickets to see One Direction in England. Darcy didn't want to go at all. "I am so not going."

"Yes, you are."




Layla knew she could get Darcy to go since she doesn't like to argue and eventually gives in to everything. Layla knew Darcy would fall for One Direction. Darcy tries to hide her feelings but Layla can see right through her. After all, she is her only friend and the one who knows her best. Layla knew Darcy had always had problems with beind picked on and such. Layla tried to be nice to everyone but also got made fun of because of her weight. One night, Layla went over Darcy's house and they just talked about how much they hate everybody. Layla tries to be nice and laughs with everyone. Darcy will punch you or rolls her eyes. She doesn't talk much, only to Layla. If you really got to know Darcy she was an amazing girl. Darcy felt like she couldn't do anything right. She was wrong though. She has an amazing voice, just too afraid to show it. Right now they are on a plane.

Darcy had fallen asleep and Layla had to slap her a few times to get her up. Darcy was a very heavy sleeper and once she was out she was out. "Hhm? We here already?"

Layla gave Darcy a dirty look, "You've been asleep for hours, are you serious?"

Darcy yawned and stood up to grab the bags from above them. They had packed lightly and they had to pick up two suit cases. They had to grab a cab since they had no fancy limo to ride in. "The concert starts in like an hour, but I want to get down there early because I really don't know how long it takes to get in." Layla gave to driver directions and they were off.

They were right up front (which was very expensive). They started off by welcoming everyone. The first song they sang was "Up all Night". Darcy didn't want to admit it, but she really liked the song. Layla somehow made her way over to Harry her crush and Darcy had lost her. Darcy was stuck in front of Niall. Ugh, he has a solo in this song. This'll be good. Darcy thought to herself. They ended the concert with "Little things". This was Darcy's favorite song (shh) and she had it on her iPod which no one knew about. She could only fall asleep listening to it. But it did not change the way she felt about One Direction. It was Niall's solo and he looked right at her, "You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you, and you'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you to. If I let you know I'm here for you, maybe you'll love youself like I love you. Ohh..." Darcy almost cried it was so sweet. The way he looked into her eyes. Niall looked as though he almost forgot to sing. Darcy remembered that she hated him and foused on trying to figure out how to find Layla.

"Layla!" Darcy tried to scream. It was basically no use since all of the screaming was in the background as the boys exited the stage. All Darcy heard was "Ahh!" "Marry me!" "Have children with me" "I want you all, NOW!" That last one she recognized the voice of. Layla. She was two people ahead of Darcy and she had to politely make her way through. She tapped Layla's shoulder, "That was the weirdest thing I've ever heard." She screamed. It was so hard to hear and it was hurting Darcy's ears. Darcy dragged Layla out and Layla started walking weird, "What's wrong with you?" Darcy said while giggling at how funny Layla look. "I gotta pee really bad, come on before people start coming out." Darcy giggled again and they ran down a hall. They were greeted by secrurity gaurds. "Not so fast." Layla almost freaked the freak out. "I GOTTA PEE NOW MOVE." Darcy almost fell on the floor laughing but realized there were men who looked like they had anger issues and seemed to be on steroids, "Wrong hall ma'am. Other way." Layla cried, "I'm gonna pee myslef! Please move! I'll be quick." All of the sudden Someone's hand was on the quys back. "Let them through." A brittish accent said. A face popped out and it was Louis Tomlinson.

"But-" The guy started.

"SHE HAS TO PEE NOW LET HER THROUGH OR I'LL LET HER PEE ON YOU." Darcy giggled and remembered Louis was the crazy one. Wait, this was Louis Tomlinson. She had to act all hot, but why? She hates One Direction! Security waved us through and Louis led Layla to a private bathroom. "I'll wait with him." Darcy said. Layla nodded and walked in. Louis introduced himself and we walked into a room full of the boys. Niall turned around and smiled. His smile's kinda cute. Darcy thought. Maybe she did like One Direction. She was still confused though. Darcy blushed and Louis led her over to the couch and sat next to Niall.

"You smell good." Louis said.

"Thank you?" Darcy giggled. "I don't think someone was ever that blunt with me. Hehe." Niall looked like he was drooling which was cute since his eyes were looking everywhere exept at Darcy. At first she thought he didn't like her but then she came to the conclusion he liked her. Maybe Darcy liked him too. Seeing Niall Horan in person is not like hearing him on the radio or seeing pictures of him. "I'm Niall." Darcy smiled. He seemed way more nervous then he should. Darcy tried to keep it cool, "I'm...Darcy." Darcy was hesitant to say her name, she really hoped they wouldn't laugh.

Niall just smiled, "I remember you from the concert. You were in the front."

She blushed. All those girls and he remembers me? She thought. Apparently she said that out loud. "Yeah." Niall said while blushing.

Harry chirped in, "Man you guys blush a lot."

Darcy smiled. Before any of them could get another word out Layla came busting threw the door. Her face went white and her eyes started rolling around when she saw Harry. She snapped out of it and saw Niall and Darcy together.

Layla smiled. "I knew you liked One Direction! I told you you'd fall for them."

Darcy rolled her eyes, "Just because I'm sitting next to Niall doesn't mean I like him." Niall raised his eye brow at that statement. "I, er, what I meant was. Oh what the heck." With that Darcy gently kissed Niall. Niall didn't move at first and before he could get a chance Darcy broke the kiss. "We have to go." She chirped and stood up. Niall shook his head and did the same, "You do not kiss Niall Horan and run away."

"Well, I just did." Darcy started to walk out the door when Niall said his last words, "I will find you Darcy, I promise." Well that was quick. I think I might have fallen in love in 10 minutes. Darcy smiled as she thought this. So you're going to find me huh? Good Luck.


Sorry if it's short! It's 3:00 A.M and I tried to make it long! It isn't over though! I'm on my laptop so it doesn't let me know if I made a mistake. I am going to get a cover made soon. I will update ASAP




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