Chapter 12

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MKLawson gave me the idea for this chapter so thank him! Please give me some ideas in the comments! Thanks and enjoy this chapter! :{D


I finally got situated onto the plane. I was lucky that a plane was scheduled to leave 10 minutes from when I arrived to New York. I'd ride a bus a few states down to home. Perhaps I'd stay in New York, I didn't know.

I wanted to be with Darcy, tears prickled at the corners of my eyes. I would rather die then be without her.

I blinked my eyes a few times so they would return to normal.

A girl sat next to me about my age. We exchanged a smile. She looked away but I was fixed on how beautiful she was. I looked at her hand. "You're engaged? Not that it's any of my business just saw the ring."

She smiled, "Uh, no. It's a ring my mom got me for my birthday. It's fooled people though, No, where I come from it's illegal to get married with my interest."

I was confused on what she meant and I think she realized that, "Oh, I'm a lesbian. Haha, sorry for the confusion."

Here's my chance! "Oh, I'm lesbian too." I said with a warm smile in which she exchanged also, "Here, I'll give you my number. Maybe we can meet up sometime."

I nodded and she handed me her phone number. For the rest of the ride I explained everything. Not sparing any details about my trip to London. She sat an listened to me and was supportive even when I told her about wanting to kill myself.

"Now you told me so much you definitely have to call me." She said as we got off the plane. I nodded and clutched the napkin that had her number on it in my hand. We went opposite ways of course but I knew this wasn't the last time I would see her.

I could only imagine how Zayn felt. I pulled out my phone and sent a text message,

well its been 10 hours and ur probably worrying. but don't. im safe and I don't want you waiting ur entire life for me to come back. I met someone and u were special just...not my type. ur an awesome dude zany and you belong with Perrie.

xoxo layla

I sent to the message and began my journey home.


We had been at the airport for 10 and a half hours now. Zayn knew she should have arrived home by now but he refused to leave. we have disguises on but sooner or later people would realize who we were.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed.

He read the message out loud and then he stood up. "Can you guys drive me to see Perrie? I, uh, miss her." We all nodded and smiled.

Sure he shouldn't have cheated on her but in the end, he loved her. Perrie was the one for him.

After Zayn was dropped off Niall suggested we go to McDonalds. He had airport food the entire time and was quote "Frickin sick of it".

We all agreed and headed over.

Once we got situated and the body guard security people guarded us, we began to talk like normal people. Or, scream since there was so much commotion because we were here.

I was even proud to say people get excited when they see me now too.

Everything felt right sitting at that table even though Layla and Zayn weren't joining us. But Zayn would come back. Layla won't even though I love her, I love her as a best friend. Nothing more.

I pushed those thoughts out and focused on what was happening in front of me.

I was sitting next to Niall Horan who was my boyfriend and I loved him. I was sitting with almost all of One Direction who was the most popular boy band in the world.

And I couldn't be happier.


This was also a short chapter and I'm sorry but yeah. Please give me some suggestions for the next chapter and check out my other books, I just made a sequel for I love him, he loves me not which has like 4 reads hehe but check it out. Thanks I love you all!





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