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it's been a while

how r u?

just wanted to say thank u so fucking much for all the reads/votes/comments and for putting up with the HORRIBLE writing on this book and the even worse plot haha

if you've decided u can put up with a bit more of my writing go check out 2 of my other stories:

unexpected - ryland storms

overprotective- vinnie hacker (which i've been working on the plot for like 2 months and published it today hehe)

and if u haven't yet

next gen

josh richards girl2

i promise the writing on the new books r SO MUCH BETTER

anyways feel free to rant in my dm's if anything is ever bothering u id actually love if u did. if ur struggling please tell me if there's anything i can do for u

way more books coming this year (2 more r josh haha)

k, bye i love u - DARCYSBITCH

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