Chapter 19

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I had been at Josh's place for a week and a half. Liv and I were hanging out in her room with 2 fans blasting in our faces, and for September it was hot.

"Ness Liv, me and Will are going to the track, wanna come" Josh asked stepping into the room. Liv and I looked at eachother then shook our heads

AN- idk if the timelines r messed up or not but Josh and Nessa r done school bc now Josh gonna turn 19 in january, then Nessa turns 19 in august.

Livia was telling me about her history teacher and how she despises him. while we were talking I felt the need to throw up. I ran into the bathroom and started throwing up.

"omg Nessa" Liv said tying my hair up. after 5 minuets I washed up.

"Ness are you ok" she asked

"yeah I'm fine"

"how long has that been happening" she asked

"I don't know maybe a week and a half" I said

"omg Ness we gotta go to the store" she said pulling my arm. Liv drove to shoppers and we bought 3 tests.

AN- Olivia is a year younger then Josh (she said it herself) and incase ur confused i refer to her as Liv or Livia or Olivia

we got to the house and she told me to take the tests in her washroom. I took the tests, and I had to wait 5 minuets.

"Liv I'm scared" I said

"It'll be ok. whatever happens I'm here for you" she said hugging me.

"you wanna check or should I" Liv asked as the timer went off

"I will" I said. I went into the washroom to see the tests. I dropped the test I was holding in shock. 2 lines. I checked the other 2. they were all the same.

"LIV" I yelled from the washroom and she came in. I handed her the tests.

"OMG NESS" she yelled as she hugged me.

"wait what if Josh doesn't want a baby! what if he leaves me! what is my family disowns me for this!" I said starting to freak out

"Nessa listen to me" she said putting her hands on my shoulders

"if Josh leaves you I'm gonna have to disown him, but I think he will be thrilled about this. he loves you. as for your family, you have me and all your other friends in Cali" she said

"thank you Liv" I said hugging her

"your welcome"

"OH MY GOD I'M GONNA BE A AUNT!" she yelled

"shut up Liv. before someone hears you" I said laughing and I hit her arm lightly.

"I have an idea . Liv can you drive me to the mall" I asked

"sure but first you should probably hide those" she said motioning to the tests.

"right" I put them in the shoppers bag in my suitcase. when we got to the mall I bought fabric markers, a white shirt and 2 small boxes. when we got back Liv and I went up to Liv's room and helped me put the stuff together. I put 2 tests in a black box with yellow ribbon at the bottom of my suitcase and the other one in a yellow box with white ribbon. on the white shirt I had Liv write 'worlds best dad' in pink yellow and blue. we put all the stuff in a yellow bag. after we watched princess diaries . around 4 we heared the front door open. then a very sweaty Josh came into Liv's room.

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