1. The Trip

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It's the night before George's big trip to the United States. He has never been there, nonetheless flown on a plane before, so he's more than nervous. He decides to do one last check to make sure all his belongings are packed as he will be gone for 4 weeks, and needed to bring all he could. After counting about 10 different pairs of underwear,  George lets out an exasperated breath and checks the time. 7:30pm.

"I guess I can stream tonight" George mutters to himself, alone in his bedroom. He turns on his monitor, puts on his headphones, and goes live. After tweeting the link, thousands of his supporters began to join the stream. George smiled at his screen with exhilaration pumping through his body, he was always so excited to stream and talk to the people he cared for most.

At the end of his 3 hour minecraft stream, a donation pops up asking when he plans on meeting the feral boys. He simply responds with an "I'm not sure, hopefully soon!" He feels bad he has to lie to his fans, but Dream wanted it to be a surprise. He would never disappoint Dream. As the thought crosses his mind, he ends stream and looks down at his phone vibrating. Speak of the devil.

"Hello Dreeaaamm" George says into the phone, grinning ear to ear.

"Hey Georgie, are you ready to come see your favourite person tomorrow?!" Dream replies, making George roll his eyes in amusement. Dream laughs, knowing what George just did. He couldn't really deny it though, Dream is his favourite.

"I'm excited to see you guys, I bet you'll be wearing those stupid shoes" George jokes.

"Oh come on, you love them on me".

George's heart flutters at the flirty tone of his words. Dream and him were only best friends, but George couldn't deny the feeling he gets when talking to Dream. George would never want to ruin their friendship though, so he's tried to ignore these emotions ever since they started. It's extremely hard to do, he's never felt this way for someone before.

"Yeah right. Do you know when the other guys will be visiting?" George asks.

"A couple days after you, so me you and Nick have a few days alone together" He says with a smirk. George can practically feel his wink through the phone. A blush creeps up his neck and warms his face.

"Wow can't wait" he says sarcastically, "anyways I should go to bed, gotta be up at 6 tomorrow for the flight" he didn't want to stop talking to Dream, but he knew he'd be dead tired tomorrow if he didn't.

"Fall asleep on call with me idiot" Dream smiles into the phone, him and George have done it several times before. It became a natural thing for them over time.

"Fine" George replied, holding back a smile. It was always so hard to say no to him.

After about twenty minutes of light conversation, George's snores could be heard on the other end of the phone. Dream felt butterflies erupt in his stomach. George made him feel happy and safe, even from across the world. Dream knew he'd been in love before with his ex-girlfriend, but it never felt like this. He was scared to admit these feelings, it could ruin their friendship and George would probably think it's weird. Instead he kept them to himself, hoping to suppress them. It never worked though, George was always on his mind. His mind raced with thoughts of what could happen when George comes tomorrow, and soon he fell asleep, dreaming of the pretty brown eyed boy.

George woke up with a pounding headache. He groaned in frustration and stretched his limbs out, preparing for the day ahead of him. He threw on a pair of joggers and walked downstairs, filling a glass with water and popping 2 Advils in his mouth. The cool glass touched his lips, cold water and Advil sliding down his throat. Even with a headache, George couldn't deny his pure excitement. The wait to finally meet his friends has felt too long, he just wanted to be right there with them. After popping Eggo waffles in the toaster, he went to grab his luggage and house keys. No one wanted to wake up this early to drive him, (since he doesn't have his license), so instead he slid his phone out and opened the Uber app. His hands were shaking and sweaty. Why am I so nervous? He pondered to himself, then retracted the thought right away. He knew why he was so nervous to finally meet his friends, he just hated admitting it to himself.

After letting out a ragged breath and practically inhaling his waffles, he walked outside to see his ride. He shoved his belongings in the Uber and headed to the airport. He was finally going to meet his best friends.... meet his Dream.
Hiii! this is my first time since i was like 13 writing a fanfic (i'm 20 now lol) so hopefully this first chapter is okay! it's a bit short but it's just to start, the chapters will be longer coming up. this is gonna be a slow burn but will totally be worth it! i'm excited to continue it and i hope whoever reads it enjoys it:)

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