meeting him

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Aizawa's POV

I was curently a few minutes away from UA, carrying the young boy now known as Bakugo.
He got tired on the way there.
I don't blame him though.
We had to walk for hours since I was driven here by bus.
It also seems like he doesn't get to eat much as he was in that small town.

I finally arrived at UA, it was about 8 am by now and most of the students were up so I couldn't go through the front doors.
So I went to a secret way that only the  staff knows about.
(Bro I litteraly wrote that part months ago)

Lets see how this goes

Still Aizawa's POV

When I went through the door I went to the staff room and laid Bakugo down on the couch in the staff room.
I found a blanket and used it to cover him. He snuggled up into a tiny little ball and slept peacefully.
He is one of the cutest child I have ever seen (not in a creepy way, like a parent way)

I was just looking at him and smiling to myself when a voice startled me.

"Please don't tell me you Kidnapped a kid. I know you want more kids but seriously?"

I looked over to see my husband, Hizashi.

"No, I did not Kidnapp him."

"Then were did you get him."
He was not buying it.

"You remember when I said that I had to inspect an abandond town to see if there were any villains hiding there?"

He answered.

"I went to the town and I found him there. He can't talk and he's told me that he has been living there for 6 years without anyone else living with him" I sat down on a chair.

"And I just couldn't leave him there."

"Thats a lot to take in. What are we going to do with him?"

"I was thinking, maybe, we could let him into the hero course, possibly"

Hizashi sighed.
"We can enter him in the hero course but I don't think its a good idea to put him into the course if he can't even talk. Not to mention the stress of being in an unfamiliar place filled with unfamiliar people. You said he hasn't seen anyone for six years? So let's just have him attend normal classes so he can learn how to talk, and get used to being here. Then we will see what we can do."


Bakugo's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar place.
I was starting to panic when I suddenly remembered Shota. The hero that I met at my town. He must have brought me here.
Where am I?
I saw a door so I decided to open it.

I started walking down the hall of the strange building when suddenly a loud sound went off and a bunch of unfamiliar people came through the doors.
They pushed and shoved me. I ended up falling over.
It was so loud.
So unfamiliar.

I backed up into a corner and started to cry as a bunch of people ran in different directions. And making loud noises.

I was covering my ears and started to shake while crying and holding my eyes shut when something touched my hand.

I looked up and saw a blonde boy in front of me.
He had a black streak in his hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I shook my head no vigorously.

He took my hands from my ears and made me stand up.
He held my hand tight and brought me close to him and we sped walked.

Kaminari's POV

I was sitting in class bored out of my mind when the bell suddenly ran.
Thank god.

I quickly packed my bag and made my way out the door along with all my other classmates.

I was just walking through the hall when I noticed something.

Or? More like someone?

I saw a boy backed up in the corner of the hall covering his ears. And it looked like he was crying?

I quickly made my way over to him to see if he was okay.

I bent down In front of him and put my hand on his hand.
He looked up at me with teary eyes.

"Are you okay?"
I asked.

He shook his head no.

I took his hands away from his ears and walked him through the wave of students to find an empty classroom.

I found a classroom and opened the door and walked us both inside.

The boy was still breathing heavily and shaking.
He sat down on the ground and continued to cry.

I bent down in front of him again and held his hands and rubbed his tears away.

"Just breath. Breath in. And out. Breath in. And out. Breath in. And out."

My sister has an Anxiety disorder so I know what to do to calm people down.

His breathing calmed down and he was shaking less so I asked him some questions.

"What's your name?"

He just looked at me and didn't speak.

"Who is your teacher?"

He again didn't answer and just stared at me.

"Um, ok. I'm just going to call Mr. Aizawa."

His face lit up when I said Aizawa's name.

Mr. Aizawa gave all his students his number so we could contact him whenever we needed.

So I called Mr. Aizawa to tell him about the situation.


I literally left all of you on a huge cliff hanger for months.

I am so so so so sorry.

Hope you enjoyed this and I hope it was good enough for yall.

So yea



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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