🤭Halloween Party🤭

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It's Halloween and I forced Mattia into a Joker costume. I'm Harley Quinn and he is the joker. NGL we look cute. Mattia is a bitch for hating my ideas. Right now, I'm working on my make-up. I just got finished with his. Mattia kept saying 'Oh it burns' or 'Ugh this is weird' like stfu for once. Damn lol.

While I'm doing the red around my eye, I feel someone's hands wrap around me.

"You look cute." Mattia says looking at me.

"Not bad yourself." He nods at me.

"Hurry up tho. It's burning." I could tell he was lying and just wanted me to hurry. Finally I finished and got into Mattia's car. He can finally drive. We get to the party and it's wilder than we thought. To drunk people and naked people running around.


"You want to take Instagram pictures instead? You worked so hard on this makeup." He says and I smile.


Mattia Polibio ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now