Chapter 35: Disappearance..

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Last chapter of this book!:(...

"Germangie- Divorce or..? Book 2" will be released pronto.

Don't hate me for the cliffhanger okay..


It was now coming towards the end of the day...I received a bunch of flowers off Beto, Gregorio, Antonio and Pablo.  All the students past and present had bought me a massive card and all signed it. There was so many lovely messages written by so many lovely people. Most of them mentioned the words 'Thank you'. It's mad to think about all the students that have passed through my hands over the years. None of them had a bad word to say against me..I felt so emotional..

My last class of the day were my first years...i'll miss how they complain about Gregorio's class being so difficult and how they can't help but laugh at the big, bright, pink line of paint which is across his forehead. Now that gets me every-time.

My first years wanted to sing for me also they arranged it all..

They sang 'Ser mejor'...very beautifully I'd like to add.

By now their lesson was finished. I wished them all the best, they just looked at me with sad eyes..I stood with my arms open..signalling them for a group hug.

"Well Done guys, you are such a talented group of young people. We will meet again soon. Don't stop dreaming and believing".

They nodded and left.

I turned around to look at a empty class-room...I suppose I couldn't no longer consider it my class room. That hit me like a ton of bricks. I'll miss my little keyboard, my desk, chair, files..even my pens...most of all i'll miss my colleagues.

I then left my room and went into the teacher's lounge, my bag was hung up on the peg. I looked over to the calender...underneath there's aboard with a picture of all the teachers on it. My pictures was still on there..

"Your picture is going no way Angie. Even though you no longer work here..your still apart of here...apart of the Studio's history". It was Antonio.

"Thank you Antonio, that means so much to me. Goodbye".

"Goodbye my dear".

He nodded, hugged me and left.

I had already said my goodbyes to Beto and Gregorio..Pablo I will see tonight.

I put my bag on my shoulder and took a deep breath in & out. Instead of going straight out the entrance. I wanted to take one more look around before I go and pick up Ben & Emma. We leave tomorrow. Tomorrow...

For the last time I entered the main room..looking at that stage..i've seen so many people perform on it. Looking at that piano...that piano has been played by so many of them being Violetta. This place is where she discovered her passion. Now walking out in the corridor's..I have flashbacks to when I was a student here...I used to run through this corridor to get to singing class..I always was 10 minutes early. I would drag Pablo to class early with me too. He would moan a lot..- "Angieeee, we have time to go grab a drink..class doesn't start yet". Thinking about that makes me laugh. I turned to look at my...well what once was my class-room. I remember composing "Algo Se Enciende in their"...I remember all of the many students..that would sit in their and listen to me very intently about how if you work hard, fight for your can't go wrong.

I looked at my watch, it was 10 past 3...time to pick Ben and Emma up. I stood in the doorway and mumbled the word 'Bye'.... and left.

xxx Drive to the School xxx

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