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(Btw I'm going to change the story line a bit and stuff)
It was a normal day. Working in the cafe. I was only 16 but I had a job. I guess it's sort of normal. I really dont know anymore, I think I create to many animes. Or sorry, I'm Y/n L/n, Ultimate Animator. I have created some pretty good animes. I am 16 and I work at a cafe and sometes create animes. I also animate things in movies and stuff like that. It's pretty fun. "Hello! I'd like a cream cheese bagel with some milk please! " I was broken out of my thoughts by someone's order. "Uh yeah. Right on it" I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed a bagel and some milk. I gave them the order and they thanked me. It was a pretty easy job. I don't get paid to but yeah. "SOMEONE HELP BEARD ARE ATTACKING" Someone screamed. I looked around and saw a girl with short black hair screaming like a maniac. "Miss, please calm down" A waitress said calmly. Ok. Someone else is taking care if it, nice. Less work for me! I continued taking orders when a loud band was heard. Some black and white bears burst through the windows, and that's when everything went blank.

I woke up laying in the middle of a street. Everything was totally fine besides the fact that I was in the middle of a street. I stumbled up and remembered what happened. Oh god. The bears. I looked around in panic and saw a wave of them going somewhere. It was my house! They all crowded my house and I saw blood splatter. Oh god. I left my dog home and my little sister. Did they just- A eyeball and a tail landed in front of me. It was my sister's eye and my dog's tail. Oh god. "Well then, has despair consumed you yet? " A voice asked me. I quickly turned around to see a girl with strawberry blonde pigtails and bear clips. "Oh yeah. I'm Junko Enoshima. Those are Monokumas and they help with despair" She explained and grabbed me. "I already know you, Y/n L/n" She added and out a cloth over my mouth. Something about it made me fall asleep. Oh god, not again.

Forced Into Despair (Junko x reader)Where stories live. Discover now