Chapter 1- The meet

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Shreks POV
I was sitting next to the fire on my couch. Donkey was right next to me singing about pancakes.
"SHUT UP." I said impatiently. Donkey immediately shut his trap.
"What are YOU so angry about?"
"I think you know what donkey." Recently I had found out that Princess Fiona had been cheating on me with Willy Wonka.
"Well maybe we gotta find you someone new!" Donkey stood up, grabbed my hand with his teeth and pulled me out the door. All of a sudden a golden ring appeared out of no where and a tiny blue ball flew out. I grabbed Donkey and we backed away quickly. The ring closed and turned into a smaller version of itself. The blue ball unwrapped itself right in front of my eyes. A hedgehog.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP?" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He got up amd turned around.
"Woah big guy. You should clean up every once in a while. This place is a mess!" His gaze was traveling around the swamp until he met my eyes. He paused.
"This "mess" is my home." I gave him a glare and turned around, Donkey still in my arms. I carefully set him down, and he immediately ran over towards the blue furball.
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