Getting to know each other

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As I looked closer to him, I saw his bright big blue orbs. Beautiful... "HEY. WHAT ARE YOU STARIN AT BIG GUY?"  The small furball yelled. I became shocked. I had no idea what to say. I looked over at Donkey and he could see how attractive I thought this stange male was. He nudged me. "Go get 'em tiger." Donkey gave me a wink and a chuckle before he started trotting down the path. My gaze took upon the muscular blue thing. Watching him once more.


I stared at the Donkey as he trotted away. Something wasn't right... I looked up and saw the Green Ogre looking at me again. I walked up to him slowly and got close to his face. His face turned red. "What are you doin..." He said. He shyly looked away. What was his problem? I mean. I know I'm fine asf. But a guy liking me? Thats new. I decided to mess with my new "kitten".
"Your eyes are hazel.."
"Yeah? So what?!" He looked away blushing again.
"They're... Beautiful. What's your name?"
"Shrek... Whats yours?"
"You can call me Sonic" with that I grabbed his hand and gave it a kiss. Shrek got nervous and turned around.
"I'm sorry about what I said about your home... Its beautiful. But not as beautiful as the Ogre standing in front of it." I smirked. Knowing that I'd get laid tonight.
"Sorry... W h a t", Shrek looked around confused then pointed at himself, "me?"
"Why yes. You"

*giggles cutely* I then opened my door. "Would you like a tour?"
"Of course you lovely thang."

I'll be posting more often now! Please go check out my other books! Thanks :) Let me know what else I should do for this next chapter😘😩😍😏

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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