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This shall be le Zane c:

Hay finally agreed to let me do her about me :3

After hours of begging of course cx

Her name is Alexis but call her Hayley :33

Anywhore this chicka is abso-fucking-lutely fabolous ;D

She's one badass motherducker. Kicked me in the balls when we first met. Been best friends ever since. x'3

Bloodyhell she's beautiful *-*

Me.You.Bed.Now.Let's Cuddle. c';


Did I mention she's short? Like OhMyMarbles she's adorable :3

She tastes good too cx

Smells like strawberries *-*

And sleeps like an angel o.o

I'm starting to sound like a creep e.e'

I'm obsessed with this girl .-.

I won't leave her side. Litterally I tried following her in the bathroom. x')

Oh and she's MY Fluttershy >.>

Stunning nickname isn't it?

She's an AwkTurtleTard x)

She's been through more hell you could ever image. Fuck with her and I'll shit on your face. >.<

Got me? Good.

Kdjfkdjfg well that's all for now. TaTa Bishes ;DDD


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