Akarsha x noelle

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Noelle pov
I used my foot to spin on my black spinny chair trying my best to avoid doing algebra. It was already 12:30 and I hadn't studied for my test yet.

It was in 4 days so I could probably wait to study for it but if I don't get an A or an A+ my moms gonna give me another lecture about it. I don't even know why she cares. I really think she's a good person but she's the worst mother.

Just as I was about to close my laptop I got a message from Akarsha,
'Hey Frenchmen look out your window ;))'

"Oh no," I said as I opened my curtain to see Akarsha on my roof!!

I opened my window and climbed out. "What do you want?" I rolled my eyes.

"Aw why are you mad mamacita I thought you wanted to see me..." Akarsha says doing fake puppy dog eyes.

"Shut up your gonna get me in trouble dummy." I say, closing the window.

"Sowwy." Akarsha says in her baby voice.

uh why is she so annoying!! "you are not forgiven!" 

"Aw why are Frenchmen so rude." Akarsha said grabbing her chest like she was in pain.

"Ugh." I let out a groan.

"Oh cmon, you know you love me." Akarsha said doing her 'uwu' face.

"No." I said blushing deep red.

Akarsha pov
I moved closer to Noelle till our thighs were touching.

"I brought you something!" I said in excitement, pulling 2 half-melted popsicles out of my bag.

"Thanks, I guess." Noelle kinda smiled taking one of the tasty treats.

"Welcome!" I replied, taking a bite out of mine.

I looked over to Noelle, she has her knees up and is resting her chin on her knees. Her beautiful black hair looks shiny from the moonlight, she's so pretty, I don't know if she likes girls.

"Hey Noelle, do you listen to girl in red by any chance?" I say turning my head and grinning at her.

"Yeah I think..." she looks down at the ground, blushing.

Woah this is dope. "Oh, well I listen to sweater weather." I put my chin on my hand.

"I-I think I like you," Noelle says fiddling with her thumbs. Is she serious?? I liked her all along but I always just assumed she was straight.

"I like you too I think..." I then felt her hand go on my cheek before she pulled me In for a kiss. She tasted like cotton candy! Ofc tho because that was the flavour of the popsicle.

She pulled away after about 3 minutes. "Woah." I said staring blankly at the moon.

"U-uh don't tell anyone about this. Okay?" Noelle said looking back at me.

"I promise I won't." I reassured her, smiling.

I know why she said that, if anybody that wasn't diya or min found out about this we would probably get our asses kicked, being gay isn't normal here.

After we both got pretty tired Noelle went back to her room.

"Goodnight, Akarsha." She said smiling brightly.

"Night Frenchmen," I said winking back at her. I then got on my bike and head out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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