Sorry Winry...

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The next day they started to pack there things and get ready to leave, they needed to fix there automail. "Make sure you come back and visit alright?" Izumi said to y/n walking out the door , the boys infornt of her. "Don't worry Izumi we will come and visit!" Y/N said happily walking out the door following the boys. They all walked toward the train station, as so as the train was in front of them they got inside the train. They set there things aside, y/n sat next to the window and Edward right next to her, Al was sitting across from them. And then Ed didn't feel so good...."Ugh , I don't feel so good..." He said groggy. Y/N looked at Ed "Why don't you lay down Ed?" Y/N said tilting her head to the side. "There's not enough room to do that!" Ed said . "Nonsense lay in my lap I don't mind." Y/n smiled sweetly at Ed. Ed blushed a bit and then nodded and layed down in her lap. Ed started to doze off , and snored quietly. "Looks like he feel asleep, and with his mouth open" y/n chuckled and started to play with his hair. Al nodded "Brother sure does sleep a lot." He chuckled lightly.

After awhile y/n fell asleep too. They where now at rush valley and the train has just stopped. Ed opened his eyes and sat up, yawning. "Brother we're here" Al said quietly not wanting to wake up y/n. Ed looked over at Al and then y/n "looks like I'm going to carry her again" he said picking up y/n and putting on his back. "Come on let's go find Winry" Ed said walking out the train, Al grabbing all of their things. When they finally made it the place where Winry worked , Winry was to the first to notice the three walking towards them. "Ed!Al! Y/-" she was interrupted by Al going "Shhh! Y/N is sleeping" Winry blinked and walked over to Ed and saw little y/n snoring lightly. "I guess she is asleep, let's get her inside" Winry said leading Ed and Al into a little set up. There was a dining set, a couch and a metal table with tools on it. Ed set her on the couch and took off his red coat and put it on top of y/n. y/n hugged the jacket and continued to sleep. "I know you must busted your automail to come back here. And must be pretty big too, if y/n had to come" Winry said looking at the slepping y/n. "Brother and y/n broke there automail when trying to help me..." Al said. Winry walked up to y/n and checked her left arm. The arm was broken with scrapes still hanging on it. She looked at Ed and he showed her his arm and....well you know what happens. Ed got hit by a wrench and was now on the floor.

"What did you two excatly do?! y/n is all beatened up with scars and bruises!!" Winry yelled at the boys. Which in this case woke up y/n. y/n sat up and looked at Winry, Winry had no ideas she was awake at the moment. "Winry....please stop yelling..." y/n said rubbing her eye. Winry looked at y/n "what are you even yelling about anyways?" y/n asked. "I was yelling because i wanted to know what happpened to you!!" Winry said, well more like screamed. y/n got up had helped Ed to the couch, she then wrapped his head with some bandages. "1) I had way worse then this. 2) I made Ed take me to go help Al. 3) I have gotten way better since a couple days back." She said looking at Winry and sitting next to Ed. "Worse? How could you have worse?!!" Winry yelled again. "Winry I have been in the military my whole life, of cousre I would get hurt on missions. Plus my training and such. And don't started yelling at me to take it easy! I try many times to take it easy but i just can't. I'm used to getting up and still be able to fight" y/n said to Winry in an annoyed voice. Winry calmed down and sighed "J-just don't go crazy ok?" Winry said. y/n nodded "I'll try my hardest" y/n said. Just then Paninya came in the room and looked around "Friends!" She said cheerfully. "Hey Paninya" y/n said waving to her. She waved back and smiled. She went over to Winry and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and pushed her away. She grabbed Ed and told him "Ed can you keep y/n busy for a couple hours? We need her out of here" She whispered to Ed "I can but wha-" Winry cut him off "Alright go go!" She said grabbing y/n and Ed pushing them out the door. "What was that about?" y/n asked curiously. Ed shrugged "No clue she didn't tell me anything" Ed grabbed y/n's hand and started to walk down the path. "Hey...uh...Ed where excatly are we going?" y/n said following close behind. Ed sweat dropped "I uh really don't know..." He chuckled nervously. y/n rollled her eyes playfully and started to lead.

After awhile they where on top of one of the highest building in rush valley, It wasn't very high but it was good enough. "Why are we up here?" Ed asked. "I always love coming to a roof to see the view" She smiled looking down off the building. Ed grabbed her waist "Don't fall now" Ed said holding on to her. "I won't fall. Besides don't you want to see the view too?" y/n said looking behide her with a small smile on her face. Ed shook his head. "I can see from here" He said. What he was really doing was only wanted to hold you. Ed hugged your waist as you looked at the view. He rested his chin on top of y/n's head a she enjoyed the view.

After awhile it started to get late so Ed carried her on his back. y/n fell asleep for a little bit and woke up right when Ed opened the door. She rested her head on his back and then Winry came runnung towards the two "you two are here, y/n we got a surprise for you!" Winry said happily. Ed didn't know you awake and looked back at you "This little 'surprise better not be loud" y/n said getting off Ed. Winry grabbed her hand and dragged her into the kitchen, she covered y/n eyes "One three! One.....Two....Three!" Winry uncovered y/n's eyes and in fornt of her was....

"Cupcakes!!" y/n said happily

Hey guys! Now please read this! I will no longer base this on the anime/manga. Reasons are 1) I feel like i'm coping someone 2) I want to make this MY story, not just a rewrite of one. Now i need to know....Is this chapter long or short to you? I have no idea if it's long or short since i'm typing on my tablet. Tell next time!


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