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This story is something I have been wanting to do for so long: the story that includes my actual original furry OC, the OG Mike Zephyr that I have been perfecting for years on end. This story will be possibly the most explosive (literally) one I have ever written. Its plot is straight to the point and serves as nothing more but entertainment for myself and whoever else has played the original game of Split/Second. If you haven't, you can still buy it off of the Xbox store for around $20 - $30. It is an amazing game and is worth every penny. It is a shame that disney was too greedy for the game and shut the developers for it down before it even had a chance to see the light of day. Anyways... Enjoy the read, and thanks for reading my ramble.

 Enjoy the read, and thanks for reading my ramble

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Mike Zephyr: Split/SecondWhere stories live. Discover now